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[april 1985]
047. petty teenage girls

Annabelle stood in front of the sink of the girls bathroom, taking a deep breath before poping an asprin in her mouth, hoping it would ease the forming migraine.

"Oh, God." Annie turned at the voice who entered the bathroom, seeing it was Tammy Tompson and another girl who she believes is called Jenifer. "She's here."

Annabelle rolled her eyes at Jenifer's words and grabbed her bag from the floor, ready to walk out. The two girls stood in her way, blocking the exit.

"Can I help you?" Annie asked, trying to be nice.

"Yeah. Leave Steve alone."

Annie quirked a brow, obvious confustion. "Steve? Steve Harrington?" The two nodded back, rasing a brow. "Why would I leave him?"

"Because Tam called him way before you and little miss priss did. So, if I was you," Jenifer stepped forward and poked Annie's chest. "leave. him. alone."

Annie closed her eyes for a moment, gathering herself before looking to Tammy. "I'm sorry, but Steve isn't property. I can't break up with him for no reason."

Tammy scoffed, "Of course he'd pick you. You've been by his side since you came to this town. You snuck your way in, didn't you. Oh my God! That's it." Tammy gasped. "This has been your plan the entire time. You got the freak in between Nancy and Steve then even got Billy to give you attention to make him jealous. Of course, this makes sense. It explains why you were with Jonathan last year, so Steve could get all jealous. When I over heard you two talking, I didn't realise this was all some game."

The two laughed while Annie shook her head, "No. I-I-"

"I-I." The duo mocked her. "Your just a creep who wanted Steve's attention. Make you popular." Jenifer laughed. Annabelle was seriously getting pissed off. She never planned to fall for Steve, but he fell first, not her.

As she stepped forward, trying to walk around them only for Jenifer to push her back. Annabelle lost her balence due to the impact and the diziness from her migraine. The Lewis girl slipped backwards, falling to the floor behind and catching the side of the stall door.

Annie pushed herself up slightly with her hands behind her. Feeling something run down the side of her face, she took her right hand to her head, pulling back only to see red liquid quote her fingers.

"Shit." Jenfier grabbed Tammy's hand and hurried themselves out the door, ruhsing away. Annabelle sighed, touching her fingers back to her head, a hiss leaving her lips as she felt the cut made from the door.

"Jeez, what happened 'cause those two nearly ran into me." Steve laughed, sneaking into the bathroom, not seeing Annie on the floor yet. When he turned, his face fell and he rushed over to her.

"What happned? Are you okay?" He knelt beside her, carefully bringing his hand to her cheek and using the pad of his thumb to wipe away the blood. "Did they do this?" His voice became lower and concerned. Annabelle pulled out of her shocked state, quickly cupping his cheeks and making him look at her.

"It's okay." She smiled. "I'm fine. Just leave it, okay?"

Steve just looked at her. What happned and what and why would someone do that to her. Annie saw the gears turning in his head and pulled his facer closer to hers to kiss him.

Steve leaned into the kiss, pulling back a moment later and placing his hands on hers. "Are you sure your okay?" She nodded back. "I'm fine. Just help me up, please. And can you take me to the nures office for a band aid?"

Steve nodded and stood up, arms outstreached to grab her hand. "Let's go, Tinkerbell."

Annie chuckled as she let him pull her up. Steve then picked Annie's bag up, pulling it over his shoulder as his other arm went around Annie's waist to pull her closer.

When they got to the nurses office, the nurse tusked when she saw Annie's head, knowing Annie was clumsy as she had to bandage her up a few times. "I told you to be more carefull, Annabelle." Annie chuckled back to the nurse, sitting down on the bed while Steve stood near her, agasint the wall. "This is the first time you've brought a friend." Nurse Betty said, glancing back to Steve as she grabbed a band aid.

"Yeah. Steve." Annie smiled.

"I'm her boyfriend," Harrington corrected. The older woman gave a look to Annie with a small chuckle. Annie laughed, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Finally got the guy, hmm?"

"Yeah. I finally got the guy." Annie glanced to Steve. She was falling so deep in love with him.

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