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009. you're serious

The sun shining into her eyes, woke the blonde up. She quickly rubbed her hand over her face, hoping it would rid the sunlight but instead it just gave her time for last night to come rushing back.

Will Byers was dead. The boy she had babysat occasionally and who drew her little pictures when she came round to visit Jonathan was gone.

The blonde turned to beside her, seeing Jonathan still asleep, tears stained on his cheeks from the night before. His arm was still draped lazily over her waist but he was facing the celling. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she looked to him.

Careful not to wake him, she brushed a few strands of his hair away from his forehead, wishing there was something she could do for him. Reverse time to before this happened. Reverse time to before she was born and re-do this all over again in a different way.

Glancing to clock beside her, she noticed the time and realised she would be late for school. Maybe Annabelle would be able to get today off, help Jonathan and Joyce, but she had to see Nancy and Steve, see what the hell was behind the woods yesterday.

Removing his arm from her waist, she was careful not to wake him again and slid out of bed. Hearing a grumble, she looked back to see the brunette boy waking slightly.

"Shh. Don't worry. Go back to sleep."

Jonathan didn't really acknowledge Annabelle was there still but turned over so he was now lying on his stomach. "You can use a shirt." He mumbled into his pillow, slowly falling back to sleep and forgetting the present.

Annabelle scrunched her eyes closed, rubbing her hand down her thigh to try and calm down her growing anxiety.

Being quiet, she pulled her t-shirt off, leaving her in her bra and grabbing a random long sleeve grey shirt of Jonathans and chucking it over. Racking her hand through her hair, pulled open the locked door slowly and stepped out, shutting it softly behind her.

With quiet steps, she walked towards the living room, seeing Joyce sat asleep, axe in hand. Annabelle bit her lip, feeling amnest guilt and pain for her and decided to let her be and go towards the back door.

Grabbing her bag and slipping on her dirty converse, she slipped out the back door, breathing in the cold air of Hawkins making a  shiver ran down her spin. Using this quiet time to head to school, letting her mind run a million different thoughts.

"I left my jacket at your house. I forgot it that morning cause I was wearing your sweatshirt and didn't need it. Nancy was there and I thought that she left something to, so I let her in through the back."

Steve and Annabelle was talking behind the school down a side ally where Steve usually hung out. Annabelle found him and began to ask about yesterday, seeing if he could check. The boy had already had a similar talk with Nancy a few hours ago,

"Yeah, she told me she was looking foe Barb. I don't get why neither of you came to me. I could have dropped it off to you."

"Yeah, I know Steve but I knew you were busy.... But me and Nancy aren't crazy. There was someone or something there. It was scary. I-I don't know what-"

"It was probably just a shadow or something." Steve stepped forward, placing a hand on her arm, rubbing up and down slightly to calm her.  "Don't stress about it."

"Why are you so sure it wasn't something dangerous. Something scary? What are you trying to cover up?" Annabelle ripped her arm from him, making him groan a sigh as he had to be honest.

"If you go talking about a 'thing with no face', there's gonna be rumours about how you and Nance have gone crazy. Then it'll go to the cops who will ask questions to everyone at the party, then he'll find out about the drinking and then tell my dad-"

"Who's gonna yell and give him one more reason to sent you off to army school. Yeah I know Steve but we aren't crazy. Whatever that thing was, it was something bad. really bad."

"Okay, look, just don't mention the drinking please. Please, for me and I'll check that there's nothing there oaky?"

Annabelle nodded, dropping her bag to the floor next to feet, lifting her arms behind her head to tie her hair in a ponytail.

"Who's shirt that?" Steve questioned, pointing to the top, now noticing the shirt that was too big for her. "None of your business, Harrington." She wavered him off, walking back to the wall, hugging herself as the cold air pricked her skin.

"That's a guys shirt, Lewis. Who the hell are screwing" His voice got louder.

"I'm not screwing anyone, Steve!" She yelled back, leaning against the brick wall. "I slept over at the Byers. Forgot clothes so I took one." Annabelle rolled her eyes, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor.

"Oh. Wow. You're totally fuckin' Byers." Steve smirked but more in anger then playfully. He shook his head. "I should have seen this."

"It's not like that, Steve." She shook her head back to him.

"Oh please, go on, tell me what it is then."

"I walked in on the Chief telling Joyce her son is dead. I made sure Jonathan was oaky after losing his brother because I know exactly what that's like. So please, Steve, please tell me how much of a slut I am or whatever else you can come up with in that fuckin' head of yours!"

Silence took over the two. Annabelle kept her focus to her knees she was hugging to her chest.

Steve let out a quiet sigh, moving to sit down beside her against the wall. None of them said a word as they just sat there.

"I'm sorry." He spoke softly, grabbing one of her hands, intertwingling them. "I'm sorry." He said once again. Annabelle leaned to rest her head on his shoulder, neither of them saying any more as she just let her friend comfort her for a moment.

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