The Princess and The Pauper

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Based on Barbie: The Princess and The Pauper

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Long ago, and far away, in a village high on a mountaintop, something amazing was occurring. At the very same moment, two identical baby girls were born. One, a baby Princess. The King and Queen were overjoyed. Princess Samantha would have only the finest. The second baby girl was named Victoria. Her parents loved her every bit as much as the King and Queen loved the Princess. But they worried. They were so poor. How would they be able to care for their little daughter?

Many years passed. The princess learned her royal duties, while Victoria worked long and hard as a seamstress for the spiteful Madame Candace. With lives so different, it wasn't surprising that the Princess and the Pauper never met. But fate decreed they would.

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It all started at the Royal Mine. When the miners informed the Queen the gold had run out. The widowed Queen was shocked. The Kingdom was now bankrupt. How was she going to take care of her people? If only she could call on her trusted advisor Silver. But he was away on a long journey. She needed to do something quickly to save the Kingdom. But what? And then it struck her. Nearby lived a rich young King who was seeking a wife.

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(A/n: Annalise = Sam, Erika = Tory, Queen = Amanda, Madame Carp = Candace, Seamstress = Lynne, Julian = Miguel, King Dominic = Robby)

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Master Silver had just returned from his trip and went to check on his minions in the mine and their progress. The reason there was no gold left was because he was stealing it all in an attempt to become King.

(A/n: Preminger = Silver, Nack (Blue) = Dennis, Nick (Green) = Snake)

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The next day, King Robby of Dulcenia arrived with his ambassador. Although, the young king was almost as nervous as the princess and so, had decided to disguise himself as a page boy in order to get to know her first.

The Royal tutor, Miguel, had informed Princess Samantha that the ambassador had arrived with an engagement gift from King Robby; and seeing how down the Princess was about not having the freedom to choose what happened in her life he offered to take her out the the village.

While they were walking around, Samantha smelled the delicious scent of coffee so Miguel went to get them some. However, while she was waiting, Sam overheard someone singing in the town square and went to see.

"What a beautiful song." She commented putting a gold coming in the girl's can.
"Thanks. My Mom taught it... to me." The girl trailed off as she noticed how similar the other one was. Both of them lifted their hoods down, noting that the only difference was their hair colour. "Whoa."
"We could be sisters."
"What's your name?" They both asked in unison.
"You first."
"Please, call me Samantha."
"Samantha? You have the same name as the Princess."
Sam chuckled "Well..."
"Oh. I'm Victoria, Your Highness." The blonde curtsied respectfully. "Aren't you supposed to be inside the castle?"
"I'm savouring a first and last taste of freedom before getting married next week... to a total stranger."
"At least you're not an indentured servant."
"Indentured servant?"

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