The View Through The Window

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It occurred to me that Johnny and Chozen had to wait through Cobra Kai's practice to confront Silver so they must've seen other things that happened during it as well as Johnny noticing Devon in the class.

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Johnny finished chugging the last of his Coors Banquet before following Chozen. The two men stoped outside the large window of the newest Cobra Kai dojo looking for Silver but Johnny spotted someone else first.

"Devon? What the hell?" Johnny immediately moved to enter the dojo but Chozen pulled him back. "What are you doing?"
"One of my students is in there."
"Not here for student. Here for Silver. Must wait for right time. Run into den of lions, you will get eaten."
"All right, fine. We'll wait." Johnny agreed crossing his arms over his chest and going back to watching his student get sucked into the darkness of Cobra Kai.

Soon, they saw Tory training Devon and Johnny wiped the impressed smile off his face almost as quickly as Devon at Tory's demonstration.

"I met their champion when undercover. She is quite formidable."
"Yeah, Nichols. She's not bad. She was my student first then Kreese got to her. Now, my son's at home moping over her ass."

When Devon beat Tory and picked up the stick Johnny quietly exclaimed "Yes!" proud of his student easily deafening Cobra Kai's champion.
"Champion is holding back." Chozen noticed and he wasn't the only one. The new allies watched as the new Cobra Kai Sensei berated the blonde teenager.

"Harder." They could hear her order through the glass.

"Don't do it, Nichols." Johnny prayed.

However, Tory followed her sensei's order and stood on Devon's hand stopping her from picking up the stick before kicking her in the face to drive her back.

Johnny sighed as he watched it dreading telling his son that there was no hope for the girl - she had clearly absorbed Cobra Kai's teachings.

However, Johnny's view of Tory simply being a good little soldier was shattered the instant he saw Kim hit her with the stick. Both men let out loud horrified gasps.
"Fuck." Johnny swore. "Now?" He asked.
Chozen sighed shaking his head "No, unfortunately not."
"B-but she just..."
"I know. But we can't attack now."

"I'm debating whether or not to tell Robby. If I do, I know he's going to do something stupid, but if I don't and he finds out I knew..."

Tory stops attacking Devon before going too far. "I didn't know she could do that." Johnny said quietly. Maybe there was hope for the current Cobra Kai champion after all.

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When the lesson was finally over, Johnny and Chozen entered the dojo. The only Sensei that was left took one look at them and said "Adult classes are on Wednesdays."
"We're not here to take a lesson. We're here to teach you one." Johnny threatened even more pissed off now than he had originally been.

Once they had finally defeated the South Korean Sensei, the other new ones appeared again. Johnny went to attack the female one who had hit Tory but Chozen stopped him. "Too much advantage. Their dojo. We fight when time is right."

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Johnny exhaled as he walked into his apartment feeling like they had failed again. He saw Robby sitting on the couch which he supposed was an improvement from being locked in his room.

"Hey." Robby replied in a miserable tone.
"Did you hear back from Tory at all?"
"No." Robby sighed.
Johnny also sighed he had hoped that Tory's cruel experience today would have turned her against the dojo. "Did you try her again today?"
"Yep. How's World War 3?" Robby enquired.
"Not bad. Chozen's a good dude. Good fighter."
"Does that mean you got in a fight?"
"Yeah, with one of Cobra Kai's new senseis."
"How did you manage that?"
"... We went down there to confront Silver."
"You went to Cobra Kai?" Robby questioned slowly.
"Yes." Johnny answered slowly knowing where Robby's mind had gone.
"Did you see...?"
"Yeah.. I saw her."
"How is she?"
Johnny didn't answer. Robby immediately knew something was wrong - standing up he prodded. "Dad?"
"Just try calling her again." Robby immediately grabbed his phone and called Tory, whilst it was ringing he asked again "Dad, what happened?" Finally, the phone rang out "Dammit." Robby cursed and tried his ex-girlfriend again. "Is she okay?"
"She's okay, for now. Probably in pain but-"
"What? What happened? What did they do to her?"
"No, I need to know."
"One of the new senseis struck her on the back of her thigh with a bamboo cane."
Robby ended his call with Tory and dialled a new number "Robby what are you doing?" Johnny asked concerned.
"Caning is illegal and so is child abuse. I'm calling the police."
"No. Robby, no. Give me the phone." Johnny rushed forward and put his son in a wrist lock making him drop the phone. Johnny looked for the universal big red button on his son's much more technologically advanced phone; finding it he quickly ended the call.
"What the hell, Dad?"
"Listen to me, I know your mad. Believe me, that's a much more sane reaction than I thought you'd have. But since when have the cops done anything good about Cobra Kai. Chozen said Silver had doggy lawyers, he's probably got half of the cops on his payroll too. If we want to take Cobra Kai down, we gotta do it ourselves."
"Ok, great. I've got to go over to the LaRusso's, Daniel wasn't feeling very in the mood to fight Cobra Kai either."
"I think I might know how to get him back in the game." Robby said coming up with idea now that he knew he couldn't sit back and do nothing.

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