Seeing The Future

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Robby was holding his new baby sister, Laura, and keeping her entertained while his dad got ready when Tory walked into the apartment ready for their date. "Hey, babe."
"You ready?"
"Yeah, just watching Laura for 5 minutes for my dad."
"Cool." Tory said taking a seat beside them on the couch. Laura's face had lit up as soon as she saw Tory and now that she was close enough started reaching for her. Over the past few weeks, Laura had developed a fascination with Robby's girlfriend and, in particular, her blonde hair. "I know, she's so pretty, isn't she?" Robby cooed encouraging his sister.

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Johnny walked back into the living room and saw Robby and Tory holding Laura in between them playing with her and speaking in high pitched voices. Suddenly, a horrible image flashed through his mind.

"No, no, no, no, no!" He shouted freaking out and striding over there to take the baby away from the young teen couple.
"Dad, what the hell?" Robby questioned.
"No! No babies for the two of you. No, no, no, no. I don't-I don't need to see that. Not anytime soon." Tory was trying her hardest not to laugh, while Robby was utterly embarrassed by his father.
"Seriously?" He said rolling his eyes.

"So... what are you planning on doing for your date?" Before either of them could answer Johnny continued. "I don't really care, I just want to know what you're not doing."
"It's the middle of the day." Tory stated.
"That's never stopped you before." Johnny argued.
"Here! Take this, you need it more than me." Johnny took a condom out of his pocket and threw it at Robby.
"Ugh! Oh my god! Dad!" He cringed not even catching it. "I'll stick with my own, they're actually from a pharmacy." Robby argued still not entirely believing that Johnny had learned his lesson. "Why do you even have that on yo— You know what, don't answer that."
"How about you? You need money for the pill?" Johnny asked Tory trying to fish his wallet out of his back pocket with one hand.
"You know that's not 100% effective either." She informed him.
"What?" Johnny squeaked having his mind blown before rushing out of the apartment.
The teens basked in the silence for a moment after the strange exchange before Robby spoke again "I think you broke him."
"Someone had to." Tory shrugged.

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