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As everyone knows my favourite fandom to crossover with Cobra Kai is Shadowhunters however there is one character from another fandom which keeps popping into my head in relation to Tory. Faith Lehane from Buffy/Angel!

Complete Cobra Kai AU/rewrite with a different family backstory for Tory.

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Tory Nichols had a secret. A huge secret. One which she had never told anyone. That was until she finally found true love and someone who had had an almost as terrible childhood as herself in none other than Robby Keene.

The first time she brought him to her apartment after their prom rouse she introduced him to her mom but once they were alone in her room, Tory confessed the truth. "Robby, I have to tell you something. I've never told anyone this but... my mom who you just made isn't actually my mom she's my gran. My mom is in jail. I've never met her; at least not that I can remember, Gran says she took me when I was little."
"Okay. What is she in prison for?"
Tory sighed knowing he would ask that "...Murder." She chuckled sadly. "Yes, I know it explains a lot about me. I was born in prison to a murderer, I've already got a juvenile record for GBH, I'm probably going to end up sharing a cell with my mother one day."
Robby shook his head "Don't say that."

"What about your dad? Where is he in all of this?"
Tory laughed "He's not exactly stable either. He had a really rough childhood and fought in fight clubs all of his life. He is slightly better now. He's in the military it gives him somewhere to fight for good. My mom had a totally different kind of rough childhood, they both came from the wrong side of the tracks and had me when they were 19. Accident, obviously. I know my dad better than my mom but when I see him I don't call him dad often..."
"Because he's not really a dad. Yeah, I get that." Robby finished.
"Scared off yet?" Tory smirked hiding her nerves.
"Are you kidding? You're never getting rid of me, Nichols." Robby replied leaning down to kiss her.

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However, two months later Tory and Robby were interacting for the first time in weeks after their break up in an effort to take down Cobra Kai. The awkward silence between them and the other ex-couple was palpable as Demetri and Hawk worked extra quickly to hack Cobra Kai's system. "Uh oh." Demetri muttered.
"What?" Miguel asked. The sounds finally caught Robby's attention and made his eyes leave Tory's injured hand that he knew she was lying about. "Silver has a very good security system."
"How good?" Sam asked.
"Don't worry princess, the Binary Brothers have this." Hawk smirked and took over typing while Demetri protested. "Careful! What if there's—"
"Shit!" Hawk shouted.
"A failsafe." Demetri finished.
"Now what do we do?" Tory asked.
"Uh... I think I know." Hawk said slowly surveying the screen and reading out what was on it "Dear Miyagi-Fangs, I knew you would try to find evidence against me. I can only imagine who gave you that idea." Hawk paused as they all looked to Tory who shrugged at the implied threat. Hawk continued "If you would like to prove who should have rightfully won at the All Valley and the Sekai Teikai qualifiers come to W&W Bar & Club at 2200." Demetri quickly looked it up "Looks like it's out in the middle of the desert on the road south."
"It's 9:20 we should get going." Robby said crossing the courtyard to his dad's apartment to get his car keys.
"W-Wait! We're just going?" Sam questioned.
"A chance to personally fight Silver? Fuck yes, I'm going." Robby said already back.
Tory opened her mouth to speak then changed her mind sighing but thankfully there was someone else trying to curtail Robby's anger. "Robby, wait." His new brother called. "Let's just get a plan sorted first. Should we call the others? What if it's like a full tournament? The 6 of us might not be enough."
"5 and a half." Hawk commented cocking his head at Tory's broken hand.
"Rude." She shot back.
"I don't want Anthony involved." Sam spoke up.
"What if it's not students we're fighting? What if it's the senseis?" Tory had been thinking over Silver's message - it seemed personal like he wanted to fight them - and she found herself on the same line of thinking as Robby now.
"Right, it wouldn't be fair to make Nate and Bert fight adults." Miguel said.
"Should we get some bigger back up like Chris and Penis Breath?" Hawk suggested.
"What's the point?" Robby cut in. "The 6 of us are the best fighters in the Valley. We decided to hack Cobra Kai. We're the ones who found Silver's message. It's not fair to drag others into it." He reasoned. "I'll drive one car. Hawk, Sam, up to you?"
"Hawk can drive." Tory said having been looking at the directions with Demetri.
"Or not." The mohawk boy commented seeing that it was not up to them to decide.
"Why?" The LaRusso girl whined.
"Think I know where we're going. You do not want to bring a car that nice." Sam nodded while Hawk shouted "Hey!" at the implication that his car was not nice.

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