Queen in Distress

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Finale rewrite - Robby is the one who helps Tory not Sam

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Robby could hear Tory screaming in pain but he was busy being attacked from three angles as Cobra Kai surrounded Miyagi-Fang. Her screams gave him the motivation to flip the last remaining Cobra over his shoulder, giving Robby a direct view of the South Korean Sensei standing on Tory's already hurt hand. Now, with a clear his path, Robby dove head first at the crazy sensei tackling her off Tory.

Robby and Tory were able to communicate silently, acing Kim's previous lesson of leader and follower - alternating roles as they each come up with ideas.

Sensei Kim made it clear who she wanted to hurt during the fight as she went after Tory and only paid attention to Robby when she had to.

The ex(?)-couple realised it would take more than just fighting side-by-side they would need to fight together and combine their strength as they were both weakened from the beginning of the fight.

After Kim sent them both crashing down to the ground individually they had ended up landing bedside each other. As the fierce Sensei began stalking towards them they shared a look - communicating silently. Somehow their hands had found their way to each other and as they grasped ahold of the other, a memory flashed to the forefront of their minds.

Adapting it to only take out one opponent and combat their weakened states, Robby grabbed ahold of the back of Tory's knee for support as she could only hold on with one hand this time, before he lifted her up and spun around allowing her to deliver a stronger kick to Kim's face with her free leg which sent the cruel Sensei spinning to the ground.

Kim looked up at the traitorous students "Love is weakness." She spat at them.
"No, it's strength." Robby told her.
Ignoring him, Kim said to Tory "This isn't some fairytale - a prince coming to your rescue."
"Of course not, we're already the King and Queen." Tory informed Kim before kicking her in the head, knocking her out and finishing the fight - just like Cobra Kai had taught her.

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