Girls' Night Out

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A few days after the huge dojo brawl had erupted, a brawl started by the boys of Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do, some of the female competitors arranged a night out for the girls only.

Tory sat by the bar drinking she had no intention of socialising with her competitors, new teammate or old ones. However, the latter had other plans. Sam and Devon saw her and figured the more relaxed environment, if not the alcohol in Tory's system, might make her talk to them.

And unfortunately for Tory she was drunk enough to talk to them like old times.

"Don't you want to slow down?" Devon asked her former mentor as she downed shot after shot.
"I'm celebrating." Tory replied shooting another one.
"I got my period this morning after it being two weeks late."
"Shit... two weeks is a long time." Sam said taking one of the shots for herself.
"I know, I was starting to panic."
"Did you tell Robby?" Sam asked.
"Tell Robby what?" Tory repeated confused.
"You know, that you thought you might be..." Sam trailed off thinking that Tory would probably react badly to the word.
"No. We're not really speaking right now, as I'm sure you are aware. Besides there's nothing to tell now so it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure I was just late because of stress, lack of eating or drinking and travelling." Sam and Devon looked at each other at Tory's admission. Clearly, the blonde was still not in the right headspace.

Due to her tipsy state, Tory allowed them to stick around (not that they would have left her alone in that state) and they danced, talked and drank more. One of them, more than the other two.

As the night went on and Tory's drunk nature became more of a liability, Sam pulled her phone out, waving it in Devon's direction showing Robby's contact page open; silently telling the younger girl that she is going to phone him and while Tory was distracted Sam disappeared outside.

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Tory barely registered Robby arriving or him making her leave. The only thing she said in response to him asking her to come home with him was "Home's a bit far from here."

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Tory woke up the next morning in a slightly different looking hotel room than the one she was used to. Sensing a presence behind her she rolled over slightly, blearily looking over her shoulder to see Robby looking down at her from where he sat perched on the bed. Tory groaned loudly at the situation she now found herself in. "I missed waking up with you too, baby." Robby greeted sarcastically.
"How did you even get involved?" She complained.
"Sam called me."
"Of course she did."
"I hope you enjoyed yourself." Despite how annoyed he was Robby did mean that sincerely, assuming that the past few weeks hadn't been very fun for Tory.
"I know you were celebrating." He said slowly.
Tory groaned again "Anything she didn't tell you?"
"You could have talked to me. That must've been scary."
Tory exhaled slowly as she sat up "Been through worse." She muttered.
"I know. Robby said sadly. "Here. I got you some things." He said lifting a bag from the side of the bed and passing Tory water, paracetamol and a Spanish pastry he got from the local bakery.
"Why are you being nice to me? I've been awful to you." She asked as she accepted the medicine and water.
"Because I... because you... you know why."
"I don't want pity."
"It's not that. When Sam said that you thought you might have been pregnant," Tory shuddered at the reminder of the fear she felt and picked at the pastry as a distraction. "I was scared. Not because I thought you might be pregnant but because I wasn't there to see it, and go through it with you, and help you. Please stop pushing me away. We've done this already, I thought we had learned from what happened last summer: us, apart, it doesn't work, we both just end up hurt (in more ways than one)."
"I know, believe me I didn't think this would happen. I guess I just panicked at first and forgot that things had changed. I just went into survival mode and wanted to do everything myself again."
"But I'm here for you, baby." Robby pleaded with her moving closer.
"I know. That's what's scary, Rob." Tory leaned her forehead against him. She couldn't look at him as she admitted this "When I was spiralling, I ended up thinking..." Tory's voice broke "I don't;t want to go through this again. I can't lose you, Robby."
"You will never lose me." He lifted her head up to make her look at him.
"You don't know that, you can't promise that. The doctor said my mom was getting better and then... I went home and she was just..." Tory was fully crying now and for once, she let Robby hold her.
"No, you're right I can't." He said sadly. "I can't promise you forever like one of those cheesy movies you hate so much, but I do promise you as long as possible. In the meantime, I want everything with you Tor. I love you." Robby felt her nod against his chest before she shifted to face him. "I love you too."

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