3: New Life

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"What was that?" Katsuki ask immediately after Izuku ended the call.

"Thats Headmaster Schneider, the headmaster of Bladewoods Academy where I'm studying online," Izuku said with a small smile.

"Huh?" Katsuki ask confused to why Izuku needs to study online when he was still attending Aldera.

"Well, Aldera had been sabotaging me since I was pronounce as quirkless. No matter how much effort I put, I always gets the lowest score. I just realize after Mom died that I don't need to put efforts to any of my school works and I would still get the lowest score. My therapist also told me it wasn't right and was helping me to take my records with my new school. They've been helping me since I join their school!" Izuku rambling how great his new school and just need to attend few school days in Aldera and he will be okay to continue his school in Bladewoods.

Something that he didn't hear to Izuku if he ask about Aldera. He found out that he wasn't the only one who's screwing up Izuku. Everyone did, from school, to infirmary, principal, the students, even the seniors. Izuku was isolated with no one other than having Inko in his life.

Now Inko died, Izuku was left with nothing else but a promise from his mother that he will live. Its the reason why he saw those dull eyes 4 months ago. He can't help but to feel guilty.

Izuku had been with him always no matter how he pushed him. And yet he wasn't there when Izuku needed someone. He realize Izuku is stronger than he let on. Mentally and physically. His high pain tolerance is insane, his mind is still sane despite the isolation. Or maybe slightly sane?

Katsuki find himself respecting Izuku for all the things he did.

"Lets start again, Zuzu!" Katsuki whisper. Izuku nodded and smile.


4 months later...

Each month, Izuku will release a song. And its always been trending and always reaching the top 1 in chart for weeks. Aside from the song is relatively dark, the animation was also good. Its relatable and most of the people slowly seeing it in different light.

Mostly they saw how unfair the world is. Haters are also a lot. Like every video he'll get so much hate saying what he was doing is painting the society black. Most of his loyal fans of course will defend him.

When Katsuki found out about the channel, he was of course shock. But then, seeing Izuku being in BWA, its not really surprising. Katsuko research about Bladewoods Academy. Mostly the school caters genius level people. A lot of people knew about the school but don't know how to enter.

He also found out Principal Nezu is an alumni of this school of genius after Izuku receive an invitation from to play a chess. And that was only a month ago. Nezu is inviting him directly to be part of UA's staff to become a teacher for Strategy and Analysis Subject. Of course the nerd immediately accept.

Izuku would become the first teacher who will not be a hero. But of course, this isn't all. Nezu recommended Izuku to become All Might's successor. And now had a clear path of becoming a hero.

Katsuki was supportive to him on the process and also learn a lot from being with Izuku again. Sometimes he will join Izuku on his online class that his professors allow.

He definitely struggles in those classes but the teaching method of them is really makes things easier than it should be. Katsuki was also the one that convince Izuku to accept the One For All when he was ready to decline the quirk. With that, the two really works hard for their trainings and Izuku controlling his quirk.

This happens all in span of 4 months. With all the support that Izuku gets, it wasn't that long till he manage to control over 30% of the quirk.

"Young Midoriya! Young Bakugou" All Might happily greeted.

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