15: Provincial Liscense Part 1

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Most of them are in airport right now even if its only 3 am. Denki, Kyoka, Mashirao and his dad, Takeshi, Aizawa, and the Bakugou Family. Toshinori actually should be there too but he got caught up with a lot of paperworks since Entrance Exam of the new batch is coming.

Aizawa on the other hand, did finished it earlier so he could sleep, but Nezu force him to go with them. He had no other choice but to come. Its only Katsuki and Izuku who will go in Switzerland for Izuku's Provincial License.

Normally, its should only be the examinee or student who will go in the Main Campus of Bladewoods. But due to unique case of Izuku, Katsuki was allowed to go with him. Specially when they tried to sleep separately, Izuku will scream in nightmare in the middle of night.

With this Katsuki was now a requirement for Izuku so he could sleep peacefully. Katsuki did accelerate the submissions of requirement so he could go with Izuku. Thats why when Nezu submitted an excuse for Katsuki to not be required to go in school anymore, it was granted immediately. Kyoka did filming everything and will exchangr to Denki if she felt her hand is getting sore.

"Jirou-san, I really hope you finish the song. The animation is already been finished. You can find it to my computer. Kaminari-san knows where it was too. I really hope you manage to polished it already," Izuku said with a smile. It was only on low tone so most of them didn't really heard that much

"Yep, I will. Good luck to your test!" Kyoka said with a thumbs up.

"Good luck my dear student. I know you can do it!" Takeshi said with a smile.

"Midoriya-kun. I hope you bring your victory here and made them realize how powerful you are!" Mashirao said and give Izuku a hug.

"I know you'll passed this because you're Midoriya Izuku!" Denki said with a grin. Izuku gave them a small smile.

"Oi, brat! Make sure Izuku-kun is okay in this trip or I'll beat your ass!" Mitsuki said while crying as she will not see Izuku for two weeks.

"Yeah! Yeah! Don't tell me what to do, old hag," Katsuki said playfully while grinning. Izuku hit him in his chest and glare.

"Don't be so rude to Auntie," Izuku said. Mitsuki gave him a smug smile as Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"Fine, Fine, sorry okay?" Katsuki said. Mitsuki laugh and look smug to her son. Both Masaru and Izuku just sweat drop before they hear the stewards of the private jet they will ride is calling them already.

"I know you'll make us proud problem child," Aizawa said and mess up Izuku's hair.

Izuku wave and leave them with his brightest smile. Good thing Kyoka is filming it and the camera capture his bright smile making everyone stun of how bright the smile is.

Its the first time they saw Izuku gave those bright smile. Mostly small smile but not that full radiant smile hr just gave them. Mitsuki started to cry in front of Masaru while smiling.

"So bright..." Mashirao said while his eyes gets watery. Kyoka and denki tears also fall as they also knew the mental health of Izuku wasn't as its best.

"Jirou-chan, dear. Send me those video okay? I'll frame that kid's brightest smile after everything," Mitsuki said wiping her tears away.

"On it maam," Jirou said.


Izuku and Katsuki was led to the Private Jet that will land directly to the Bladewoods' airport. Izuku immediately fell asleep as it was still too early. Katsuki fell asleep too later on in his side embracing him with a smile.

After three hours of sleep the two watch a movies as the private jet looks much more like a home than jet. They just enjoy the travel together as they cuddle to each others arm.

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