31: Interlude: Rescue Training

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The article immediately blow up the moment it was publish, Denki who's expecting a notification blow in Izuku's channel is grinning looking how many comments it has in their own site.

Even in the other social media all of them are getting wild. And just an hour, MidoriUsagi is been trending and had been in hot search.

And here Izuku is, calmly drinking tea with Bakugou and Aoyama.

"Monsieur (sir)! This is getting wild!" Aoyama said while scrolling to his phone.

"Is this really necessary? You're using yourself to bait someone. That article you wrote is almost half the truth of your situation. And you're ready to risk to someone knew about your own situation," Katsuki worriedly said.

"We are playing with fire, Kacchan. Its normal to be nervous but I did more countermeasure than you think. They will surely be put somw resources to confirm those article. With that, their guards will be weak for a bit. I need something so I need to move if I could," Izuku said. Katsuki just sigh and trust Izuku he knew what he was doing.


Shoto Todoroki had been thinking of this for three days. Ever since the day that his teacher expose what his father truly was, he is thinking if the man could help him.

He hate his father to what he did to their whole family. But he knew that his teacher might not have any enough authority to actually help him.

He knew sometimes, no matter how strong someone's power is, without an authority behind, it still weak. Scheming and manipulation is something had been circulating the hero world after all. Why else Endeavour still in hero world if not for his authority? If its an ordinary hero who done those thing, or worst, some ordinary people, they will immediately gets in jail.

Despite those, Endeavour is still proudly wearing the rank 2 hero of Japan.

He went to his office and knock on his door. He doesn't know why he is there. Perhaps he knew but denying it.

"Sensei?" He stoicly ask.

"Come in, Todoroki-kun," An equally stoic voice coming from inside said. He calmly open the door and saw Izuku in his private office. Clearly the place is organize, and had a lot of papers and shelves. The place is calming to be honest.

"Have a seat," Izuku offers not even looking to him. Shoto sat at the chair in front of Izuku's table.

"Sensei..." He called. His heart beats errantically looking to his teacher. Despite being in the same age, Shoto could immediately tell he is out of his league. He is calm, strong, as if he doesn't care in his surrounding but his eyes says otherwise.

Shoto couldn't even tell the emotion Izuku had but it also makes hin appear as if he gone through a lot. Maybe he is like him who see the cruelty of the truth and this world.

Shoto knew he had a lot of flaw. Specially in his Social Life. But he isn't here to make friends, and those people will just burden him.

"You can talk, I'll listen," Izuku said. He hesitated but when he look to his eyes, he finally said it.

"I need your help..." Those word...

Those words that he mutter in front of his teacher change his life for the better. And never once he regret tbat day he ask for help.


The news of All Might teaching in UA sent a waves through the country. Aside from the fact that Midori Usagi still doesn't address the Article makes the internet in chaos again. Not that UA can't handle specially they will now start the plan.

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