14: Holidays and Finals

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Just as the winter break started. Katsuki started to get more protective to Izuku. He still choose to hid all his feelings as he thought, Izuku might still not yet ready.

The four met Ojiro and become instantly clicked together. Although Ojiro still don't know him as Midori Usagi as the two was under an Non Disclosure Contract and both Katsuki and Izuku doesn't want to talk that about.

As the Christmas is getting near to arrive, Izuku then post a song that Katsuki never see Izuku work with.

"Kacchan?" Izuku softly said.

"Yes?" Katsuki ask.

"I'll post something in my channel. Why not you watch it?" Izuku ask. Katsuki frown but still took his phone and watch the video that that been released 9 hours ago.

(This is the version I use⬆️⬆️) I change the lyrics a bit too but it still the same

(Original song ⬆️⬆️)

Nothing ever stays the same
You'll pull me close to you
I still remember how we struggled back in those days
All of that time, it's deep inside my memory
But soon enough, will end up lost and fade away

Null is in his room, the place was decorated by christmas decoration while he was writing the lyrics.

I've forgotten everything, I've just been standing here
Since when could I have tolerated any more of this?
All of my "friends", they'd always keep on telling me
That I should just give up and not resist

The letters from Null's writing started to become a stickman type of animation. The scene looks like a flipbook where the usual smooth transition is out of nowhere. It was like a drawing within a drawing. It create some scene where Null is surrounded by negativity

I could never keep it all inside
I know that fate was never on my side
It feels like I am growing every day
I'm reaching for the sun, for the sky, feels so close, and yet so far away

The "camera" suddenly went back to Null who's still writing then when the "camera" move in 180 degree, Null was suddenly running and reaching the light.

For you, I'm screaming out what you need to hear
And I don't know if it would ever find its way to you
Tell me, where should I go if we're moving on?
I just don't know 'cause I am always holding on to you
And even though I know you would never say it, you wouldn't look away
So give me everything, 'cause I believe
I want to change

This time, Null is still reaching the light which become clearer and clearer. The image of bommer is appearing. Null keeps on running, but he still seems like he can't reach Bommer, he trip with stones repeatedly but still keeps on standing up to run.

What could you learn from me?
I put off everything
But we all know that we can't stay like this forever
Just to preserve the bond we shared with everyone
But now my cry will go unheard

Null stop from running and the "camera" move back again to where it was a while ago, the scene change again and it went back to his room, where he was writing again.

Song For Change (Youtuber Deku)Where stories live. Discover now