8: Creating More Chaos

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Katsuki didn't know how to react. All he could feel is a shiver down to his spine. Looking at the chaos that Izuku created online, he wonder how he did it.

Katsuki found out that Izuku had created an articles under the name Hero Analysis For The Future. Aside from that, Izuku accidentally made an information network underground because of Izuku's hobby in hacking.

Various cold case had been cleared and Izuku even manage to get ⅛ of HPSC's data without them knowing. Izuku upgrade his computer after Nezu becomes his teacher. Now he knew why Aizawa told him to guard Izuku.

But he don'g have a heart to stop him as Izuku's eyes is practically shining for all the success he made. This cause a lot of sensation. And the fact that he didn't even go out of his house just to create this chaos, he wonder what will happen if Izuku decided to take matter in his hands.

They slowly cornering the HPSC specially using public opinion. The HPSC looks like become really desperate as they are now spending large money just to get rid of Izuku's channel and Fan Fiction. Too bad, Izuku is already 10 step forward to them.

Izuku pretty much enjoy his schedule. Katsuki couldn't even believe how good Izuku is in time management. His day is always full but he still had a time to even watch movies with him. Katsuki did pick a lot while learning side by side with Izuku.

"Here is the book you wanted me to buy," Katsuki said and gave the red weird book that Izuku ask him to buy. Izuku smile and hugs him.

"Thanks Kacchan!" Katsuki blush in embarrassement and look away.

"Damn it, you're too close!" Katsuki said grumbling which makes Izuku giggles. Katsuki smile a little, at least he made Izuku smile.

"Whats in this book?" Katsuki ask.

"This is the meta Liberation Front that was written by Destro," Izuku said. Katsuki frown.

"Who the fu-- that guy?" Katsuki ask in confusion.

"In the past, when society was going through a though crisis, quirks or what people first called, Meta Abilities were feared and their users hated. Just like how quirkless right now. An unknown woman gave birth to Chikara Yotsubashi, a boy with a meta ability. By having a super power, Chikara was marginalized and despised," Izuku started.

"Kinda like Auntie?" Katsuki softly ask.

"Yeah... Mom was left behind by her peers because she gave birth to me. But Mom still stand for me. She told herself that he her friends didn't stay with her, then they are not real friends..." Izuku said with a sad smile. Katsuki didn't dare to utter more words.

"Back to the story. His mother spoke out against this discrimination by claiming that his power was simply one of his "Quirks". She pleaded for a world where people with Quirks have the same rights and considerations as everyone else. Unfortunately, no one listened to her and she ended up being murdered by an anti-meta group. Her death and her ideals influenced the mindset of her son Chikara who will be known as Destro," Izuku continues.

"So its like the society today but reverse?" Katsuki ask. And Izuku nodded.

"What the woman want is only a same right from those who don't have quirks. But it seems like her child wants more. He got the message but the meaning behind the message of his mother, I think it got twisted," Izuku said.

"Continue then," Katsuki said.

"So with the proliferation of the Quirks, the government began to regulate their use. In order to achieve it, they co-opted the words of the woman when they brought order back to the world, and the Quirks were accepted. Therefore, the woman became known as "The Mother of Quirks"." Izuku said.

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