37: Quirkless Battle Tournament

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(You're going to be disappointed to the action scene to be honest)

"What do you think?" Izuku asked the class 1-B. All of them look at each other. Izuku just told them about the request of Class 1-A.

Awase who was their representative asked each other's opinion and all had agreed.

"Sensei... We can't just sit while Class 1-A is working hard to get strong. There will be a quirkless battle next week and we all don't want to embarrass ourselves!" Kaibara said. All of them nodded.

"Count us in sensei!" Hagakure enthusiastically said.

"And sensei... On behalf of Class 1-B thank you for not being biased towards Class 1-A just because they got attacked. All of us are extremely grateful that you give us the same opportunity as class 1-A," Awase added.

"You are all my students. Of course I wouldn't be biased to any of my student just because all of you are in different classes. Right now, we will start to cram all the lessons so you can focus on your second year for your work studies and internship," Izuku said. The class 1-B all cheered.

"And I shouldn't forget but there will be some joint activity and training battles with class 1-A. It is to provide you some opportunity to have a healthy rivalry to your sister class. And of course so you could help each other to have a great experience and provide each other some pointers," Izuku explain. All of the Class 1-B's spirit lit up and full of competativeness. But at the same time, there is no hostility, just purely fun competition.


"The battle arena had three Ring. Each ring represent your year. From first year to third year. This quirkless battle are all mandatory to Hero Courses as UA wanted each of the future heroes to have an experience to protect themselves when the situation is dangerous that you can't use your quirk," Viridi explain. He was in hia full hero costume that exclude a noble aura. Everyone can't help but to be focus on him.

The Hero Course of course are all full of awe to see their confident teacher in front of the crowd. They all can't help but to feel proud that he is their teacher.

Whats more, he is gaining fangirls from different department. Seeing he is young but already been a pro hero. And of course he is cute yet looks dangerous. Most of them are thinking how cute he would look like if he smile?

"While in Hero Course Students this is mandatory. Other departments are free to join. This would strictly be no quirk allowed. Each of the fighter would wear a especially designed bracelet.  There will be a slow motion camera connected to a system who will capture each fight. So cheating wouldn't be possible for students with Mutant. It would especially focus on your mutated parts to avoid cheating," Viridi added. Whispers are being heard and all of them feel happy for the fair fight. Some of the students from General Education also wanted to try their luck in these tournament. Plus it will directly add to their incentives for their grades if somehow they got into ranking.

"There will be a year level ranking and overall ranking for this tournament. The top three would have a privilege to challenge any of the top of other year level. But they could only challenge those who have a higher level than them. Third year could challenge any of the pro heroes in UA Staff, second year could too but we discourage you to do so," this made the hero course students fired up.

First year could challenge both Second year and Third year. Second year could challenge third year and the pro heroes. And of course Third year could challenge the pro heroes.

Not only they would have to battle with physical combat, but this would also give them an experience on battling other people with different power level. In this situation, its more fair than Sports Festival. Everyone had an equal footing since Quirk wouldn't matter. So what if you have a powerful quirk? You wouldn't be able to use it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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