32: USJ Attack

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(Theres a lot of line break in this part since I shift a lot of scene)

"Thirteen, All Might and Eraserhead are all present just like what we saw to the staff itinerary we obtain earlier," Kurugiri said the moment they enter the USJ.

"This can't be good..." Aizawa mutter. Looking to the numbers of thugs and villains that entering the zone is quiet concerning. He decided to bun his hair tightly to be prepared for anything.

"What are you thinking, Problem Child!" He thought. All Might look to Aizawa and Aizawa look back then nodded.

"I brought so many friends, we are here to declare our goals..." Shigaraki said. His tone is really concerning like an unhinge person.

"And we will start to the foundation of Hero Society..." Shigaraki said in loud voice. All of the student actually felt scared to those declaration.

"If we kill the roots, the tree will not bloom," a man with mask said who just enter the plaza. He had a mask and voice changer.

"So if I kill some students it means we would level up?" Shigaraki ask.

"Thats right," the mask man said. Shigaraki laugh and look to him.

"Very well, Titan. Kurogiri!" He shouted.

"Yes young master," Aizawa and All Might both warmed up. The capture weapon of Aizawa suddenly levitate around him.


"Villains? Are they crazy? Its foolish to intrude a hero academia!" Kirishima shouted.

"Sir! What about the sensor that detects intruder?" Momo ask worriedly.

"The UA just upgrade the security system right? How did they manage to bypass?" Kendo ask immediatelt.

"We do have it. And yes, the security is actually upgraded. I'm afraid to tell this, but this is an insider's job," Thirteen said.

"Its foolish for Izuku to actually not see those rookie mistake. Unless.... He wanted to set the stage that its indeed an insider's job," Aizawa said and observing the situation.

"I don't know it the enemies only appear here or the entire campus. If the sensor is not triggered, it means some of them are using quirks to disable it. They picked an isolated area away from school. They know when there's a class here. It's obvious they are not dumb," Shoto concluded.

"They are here for us, not the teachers..." Ojiro added.

"I can assure you, the attack is only here," Denki said.

"What? How did you know?" Tokage ask.

"Because they would need a large man power to do so. Each of the facilities of UA had an independent server. Security measures had been done and Thirteen is right, this is insiders job! Because there will be no external interference possible to enter, one of the worlds most skilled hacker did try already and failed," Denki added.

"How did you know this?" Mina ask suspiciously.

"We're working here, remember?" Jiro said.

"So this is a premeditated ambush with one specific goal," Monoma concluded.

"To destroy the foundation of Hero Society," Shoda meekly said.

"What should we do then?" Uraraka ask. All of them already felt scared, of course, they are the target after all.

"We have All Might! This can't be bad right?" Mina ask with paled face.

"Thirteen, start evacuatikn. Try to contact the school! The enemies even thought about the sensors and anti Teleportation quirk that Viridi put here. There must be someone with radio wave quirk and hackers in their side. Kaminari! Try using your quirk to contact someone. We'll engage the battle," Aizawa said. Just like that All Might immediately dash and activate his quirk.

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