28: Internet Chaos

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Katsuki immediately went to where the alarm is. His heart is beating erratically. The moment he went there, he saw Izuku's phone which made him paled.

"Bakugou! What happen?" Aizawa ask who just happen to got there.

"Someone kidnap Izuku," Katsuki said and gave him the phone.

"I see... Lets go in the office then," Aizawa said who also look serious and ready to beat someone.

After that, they call for a police and tried to get any information as they could they also found out that Aoyama is missing too. And after 6 hours, Tsukauchi gave them a news.

"He's with us now, with a Student who's shaken in fear," He said which made them relax.

"Hows is he?" Aizawa ask.

"He's perfectly fine, and told me that he'll talk tomorrow, he's too tired and from what I could see, Izuku cried as his eyes are red," Tsukauchi said.

"And oh, by the way, he also told us that he needs my presence if he talk tomorrow, I'll go to UA at 10 since I still need to report my weekly case to the chief," Tsukauchi said.

"Okay thanks," Aizawa said before he ending the call. Katsuki and Aizawa immediately went to the Police Station to get him.

The next day

I AM GAY WARRIOR @WeinerWaerrieor🏳️‍🌈 •1h

I made another cute version of Null my best boi 🥺. Midori-sama had been subjected to more vicious hate these days. I can't really understand why. I mean, he's such an angel and really polite. (I had a private conversation to him before). As you know I am his number one fan (lol! Fight me! I'm one of his first 10 subscribers 🤪, pic below if you don't believe me) so it broke my heart to see those hateful comments. He doesn't deserve those shit ton of hate he gets!

God, can't you just remember, he is A REAL HUMAN BEING! you treat him as if he's just a fictional character to just viciously gave hate comment! So uncool! As the Lieutenant of UTA (Usagi's Troll Army if you don't know because you came from cave 🙄) Midori-sama deserves the world.

Anyways! This is the pic

[Screenshot of MidoriUsagi's channel with only 8 sub. Had a big watermark of his Youtube name]

 Had a big watermark of his Youtube name]

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6:12 AM - XX April X3


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