29: Schemes

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All of them went to Conference Room with Tsukauchi, and Takeshi also being there. Just after a while, the green squad also went inside who all look worried and nervous. Gran Torino is the last person who went inside and lock th conference room to its highest security.

"Lets get straight to the point! I'll start to what I dream last time," Izuku said. He explain that he saw a peak of All For One's memory that cause him to react like that. Then the next morning, he was kidnapped by him with Aoyama. All Might almosy lose his control and wanted to hunt AFO when Izuku told him to stop.

"I'm not yet finish..." Izuku mutter which make All Might calm down.

"All For One... Had assume a necessary evil role. A villain that society needs so the equilibrium will not be broke..." Izuku said. Tsukauchi was shock when it was ping true.

"All For One let me see his memories then I had a conversation with the first and second user in the police station and confirm its indeed All For One's memory. After facing him, I found out that he was just also a victim of the society," Izuku explain.

"But he killed a lot of people..." Takeshi quietly said.

"Because its necessary... Just like what I said, he become a villain to check the equilibrium of power in our society. He's been repressing the Hero Commission since he had a bad blood to it," Izuku then proceed to tell them what happen to AFO and how he become All For One.

Of course all the adult was shock while the teens are all confused.

"Sorry to ask... But who is All For One?" Denki awkwardly said.

"All For One is the Boogeyman of underground, Mon ami (my friend). He could take and give quirks to others," Aoyama explain.

"So this is a dangerous man," Mashirao concluded.

"Most of the people here is dangerous, Mashirao-kun," Izuku corrected. Mashirao blush in embarrassment.

"We have the same goal but different method. Our goal is to change the Hero Society. While I avoid shedding  blood, I admit, some of my move resulted of it, like the sudden spike of vigilantes although, I know it wasn't my fault, still theres some people who got influenced to what I was doing," Izuku explain.

"But All For One, he choose the bloody path to get the result we both want. Thus having those crime being done by him," Izuku smile bitterly as he look to his hand.

"Whats your opinion in this matter then?" Aizawa ask. Most of them was shock to what they found out. But they know, Izuku had been in moving in grey area and wouldn't lie with this matter.

"Are you sure this wasn't some kind of brainwashing? Or reverse psychology? We never know..." Nezu ask with calculative eyes. Izuku look to his mentor he was testing him.

"No offense All Might but I'm firmly sure he wasn't. Just like what I said, I talk to the first and second user whom I both saw in AFO's memory. The third User firmly said and commented that indeed, AFO is a vigilante who just want to get a cure for his brother's illness but created an army in the process," Izuku said with firm eyes. All Might held his breath and look to his successor. He clench his fist and sigh after hearing the story of his arcnemesis.

"In my honest opinion, All Might's strong debut did a lot of toll to the system now," Izuku said looking to All Might.

"Care to explain?" Gran ask who was smirking as he look to All Might.

"In my opinion All Might didn’t cause an era of peace. Peace implies civilians were safer and heroes had to worry about less, feel safer to walk around without worrying, feel that if they ask for a heroes help, they will get the help. But the only type of crime he decreased any significant amount was villain on villain which by its own definition has little no bearing on lives of civilians and heroes," All Might paled as he look to Gran Torino then to others who's interested to what Izuku was saying.

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