30: Ensured

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Izuku woke up early as well as Katsuki. They already know that they might actually stay there so they had a spare clothes already.

The two decided to spar a bit at their backyard when Ochako saw the two.

"Sensei, Bakugou-kun!" He greeted with smile.

"Yes?" Izuku ask because Ochako looks like she wanted to say something.

"I just.... Wanted to say thank you to what you did for my parents. This is really a big opportunity for us," Ochako said with a smile.

"You don't have to say thank you as this is a fucking win-win situation. Both side will benefit to this damn partnership. So don't treat this as a goddamn charity," Katsuki seriously said. Ochako blush in embarrassment.

"But still, I wanted to thank you both," Ochako insisted. Katsuki wanted to say another retort but Izuku glare to him.

"Its fine, Uraraka-san. Besides I think your parent's team is capable for our request. No need to thank us from it," Izuku said as he took his towel and ends their spar. Katsuki wanted complain but back down when he remember that they still had a class.

They head inside and Uraraka family accept the contract and will immediately go to UA with their team.

After that they went back to UA and Uraraka's admiration to Izuku just rise after that. Of course with this, not only they will be able to cut the money they will spend, they will also get a huge profit due to the payment that UA offers.


It didn't take long for them to start the construction. The Uraraka's are really indeed fast when it comes to construction. They already finished almost ¼ of the number of dorms that they building up within two days.

With the pace they had, Izuku could see that they will be able to finish all the dorm within 1 week or two, which is enough time for them to actually set up the attack. Izuku wouldn't be in the actual attack for one reason, he was the one that plan the attack itself. If he was in thr location, Tsukauchi will need his statement which will be dangerous.

Although some of the teachers are aware to the up coming attack, it keeps low so they will not leak it. No one than UA knew the partnership they had with AFO. This is a dangerous game, most of those who know, knew it well. One mistake will actually make them crumble and be demolished.

So as much as they could, they are all keeping low profile.

After just a two days, the class 1-A and 1-B could moved to the dorm already. Since its already fully furnished. The construction is still on going to the other dorms.

"So you're going to move in?" Tenya ask to Ochako. She nodded and smile.

"Well, with me moving in the dorm, I could save more money. And this might actually help my parents to cut more budget for me since both food, hygines, and utilities are all free," Ochako explain.

"But you'll be alone! Are you okay with that?" Itsuka ask worriedly.

"Actually no," Kyoka said and grin.

"Me, Mashirao, Katsuki, and Kyoka will moved in too. Theres a possibility thay Ibarra-san and Mina will also moved in the dorm," Denki said and hook his arm to Kyoka's Shoulder.

"R-really?" Ochako ask in shock.

"We have work inside UA. If you don't know, we spend our time practically here. With the dorm being built, it will be convinient to us," Kyoka added.

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