6: The talk

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Endevours Fan @Endeeeeeeaaaman

I wanted to ask. WHY THE FU-- YOU'RE PAINTING HEROES BLACK? @MidoriUsagi Heroes are doing there job. So shut up and delete your so called "Fan Fiction" thats not how our society work! Go fu-- off! You should rot in hell for defamation #AgainstTheOdd #MidoriUsagiSuck #RotInJail

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3:45 PM • XX May X2

Weeee @CheapPikachu

Replying to @Endeeeeeeaaaman

Cool off man, its just a Fan Fiction 🤣

146 Retweet | 136 Favorite

3:45 PM • XX May X2

Rockstar Playlist 🎶 @KyokaJirou

Replying to @Endeeeeeeaaaman

I research too about his theme. Don't you say he is wrong. He wasn't thats how the quirkless and those people who have villainous quirk was treated like that. How could you accused Midori Usagi if he was just telling the truth? Do research first before you start posting like this!

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Katsuki snorted to the haters he just saw. He frustratingly mess his hair until he calm down.

"You okay, Kacchan?" Izuku softly ask.

"This fu--ing haters of yours! I wanna blow them up! Fu-- its below the belt!" Katsuki said gritting his teeth.

"It doesn't bother me, just ignore them..." Izuku casually said. Katsuki look at him as if he doesn't believe what he heard.

"What? But this comments and..." Izuku just chuckle.

"They are not as mean as you think. I heard worst than that so it doesn't really affects me anymore. Don't worry, I'm fine," Izuku softly said.

"Still..." Katsuki felt really frustrated but Izuku wasn't really bothered at all so he can't do anything.

Izuku continue his studies but this time, is schedule is much more tamed than before. Katsuki made sure Izuku will have enough sleep, enough sunlight, and enough rest.

Izuku really did know how to manage his time, his fan fiction is updating twice a week and his channel had one story a month.

"Besides those are paid haters so don't bother them," Izuku added. Katsuki frown.

"Paid Haters?" Katsuki ask confused.

"Hero Public Safety Commission doesn't like what I'm doing. Theres already 15 attack in my channel this past 4 months. Good thing is, Two months after I started all my channel in Herotube, headmaster Schneider told me to create codes to protect it to hackers. I also create a program where the moment I open the Herotube studio, all of the comments will automatically gets heart. I'll reply to some serious questions and clarification to some comments. I get thousands of comments each post," Izuku ramble. 

"I see... Want to do something nerd?" Katsuki ask.

"No? Why?" Izuku ask going to Katsuki.

"Lets go outside then!" Katsuki said and grin, then he offer his hands. Izuku frown but accept his hands so Katsuki pulls him outside.

The two went to a street food lane.

"Have you been here?" Katsuki ask.

"I have been here before but didn't manage to stay longer," Izuku reply.

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