26: Face Off

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At this point, Teachers are already been living in UA. Its Izuku's suggestion to actually add more efficiency to their work. Which is when it was implemented, indeed, the teacher's work seems to double as they didn't need to travel so far. They could even literally do an all nighters as their dorms is just a walking distance.

Jiro, Kaminari, Ojiro, and Katsuki often sleepover in UA too specially Izuku's studio just expand to a small house already as he often choose to stay there. His studio in his home was sealed just like his house but he still sleep there occasionally specifically to Inko's bedroom.

It wasn't often but he still do it. Izuku just take the costumes design in his place, and continue it in his office. Katsuki stay with him and cooks for their dinner.

UA wasn't fond of giving Students a homework because mostly Students needs to replenished their energy for tomorrow. Specially heroes who need every rest they could get specially to their training is already been exhausting.

After finishing all of it, Izuku is really exhausted to the point that he fall asleep into the table. Katsuki sigh and just carry him to their room.


Izuku open his eyes and see that he is like ina wasteland. Looking to his hand, it seems like there's a smoke in his entire body up to his mouth. He can't speak but he certainly can walk.

He walk and tried to find any exit.

But suddenly he heard a voice.

"Why?" He look to where it came and saw two figures. One is a white haired man, who's bleeding in the ground. While the other is just a black figure. Just a complete black creature that had a human form.

"Why did you betrayed me! We... We fought hard together and this? You tried to kill me for what?" The white haired man ask.

"Because your a nuisance. You got everything I wanted, Naigaiki! I should be on your position! I also fought along side with you but you're the only one who got known!" The black figure said. Izuku felt weird hearing the voice. It so monotonous and Izuku can't even say if its a man or a woman.

"Yo-you betray me for fame?" The white haired man ask in disbelief.

"If you died, I'll get your position. I'll get the recognition I deserve. Don't worry, Naigaiki, I'll take care of the organization I build," The black figure laugh and kicked the white haired man. Then a group of black figures suddenly appeared. Izuku widen his eyes to see how many people is surrounding the white haired. Its about hundreds in Izuku's calculation.

He saw how they hurt the white haired man into bloody pulp. Izuku wanted to go there and save the white haired man but his legs seem to not moving.

He cried, struggles and trying to make the black figured stop.

"If I died here... I'll take you with me!" A white suddenly emits and in just a second, every black figured is already dead. It widen his eyes in shock.

Then everything change and he see the white haired man again. He saw him with another man with much longer hair. He look sickly in a bed.

"Big brother! You don't have to do this! This is not right!" He said looking worried to him.

"And what do you think is right? Answer me, Yoichi? I tried! I tried to fucking do it right! What did happen? I got betrayed by my own best friend! Tell me, if there's another way?" Naigaiki ask.

"I... I don't know," Yoichi whisper.

"See? This society needs someone who could check them! There will be no real peace if blood didn't flow in blood. I will dirty my hands with those blood, innocent or not, but I will fight this in the path that full of blood," Naigaiki said.

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