11: Pulling Strings

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Nezu is one of the best teacher Izuku had so far. Although his other teachers are good too, (Katsuki is even struggling to keep up on how fast Izuku's pace when it comes to lectures as he could get it in one explanation) it was in average where he could slack off if he want. Unlike Nezu who really pushed him into his limit for every three hours of his lessons with him.

Not that Izuku care, he actually love the study session with Nezu. He gets the adrenaline rush everytime Nezu is giving him hard questions and situations.

"I think its time for you to actually start your teaching pace? What do you think, Midoriya-kun? Maybe once a week so you could adjust and will not be overwhelmed to full time teaching?" Nezu ask with a smile.

"D-do you think I'm ready?" Izuku whisper.

"Of course, but you can stop if you really felt too much overwhelm. I wouldn't want to put you in uncomfortable situation," Nezu said and sip his tea.

"I think I will try first? Maybe substitute for some days?" Izuku suggested.

"If that's what you want, you can adjust how many times you will teach. But don't go beyond to the schedule that you can't handle. Keep your pace as no one will pressure you nor judge you if you can't handle it," Nezu said. Izuku smile as he was thinking of helping others.

Its always been his passion to help so he will not limit himself to do it. In first week, he test the water by substituting to Aizawa, Yagi is his assistant Teacher that time who works as Yagi Toshinori. Izuku is the one that actually suggested it. And Toshinori didn't have a chance to refute.

Then he decided to get 2 teaching session in every week where he teach 1st year to 3rd year hero course. Three in first day and another three class for second day.

Of course, even how hectic his schedule is, Katsuki would force him to take a rest once in a while. And Katsuki completely banned him from doing his works every sunday.

Kyoka slowly adjust to the fast pace schedule of Izuku. It looks insane and a bit exhausting but not to the level that Kyoka is expecting. Izuku is really considerate Kyoka's well being.

September had been one of the busiest month Izuku had. With the lawsuit he file, the research about MLA and the secret organization in Otheon, adding that HPSC is getting desperate, the spike of vigilantes, being active in social media, animations of his music videos, teaching in UA, writing teaching plans, as well as updating his fan fiction.

He also give time to teach Kyoka so she could create her own music smoothly than before and as well as how to sing.


I know they don't like me that much
Guess that I don't dress how they want
I just wanna be myself, I can't be someone else

Eclipse, Null, and Bommer was seen in a grid. All of them are in their house trying to find a clothes. It all took them a lot of time to find something as the scene change and revealed that the three is in the classroom and they are classmates after the grid disappear.

Try to color inside their lines
Try to live a life by design
I just wanna be myself, I can't be someone else
Someone else

The three had a set of faceless friends surrounding them while the three had fake smile interacting to them. The three had the same flashback of them being lectured by a faceless animal to do this and to do that.

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