20: ET: Physical Test

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"Welcome to our second Portion of test! I am Present Mic, your host for this portion! Can I get a yeah?" But nobody answered. He sweatdrop and clear his throat.

"Perhaps everyone is nervous if they manage to pass the written exam or not. So before I explain the second portion, your wristband will now indicates if you passed the first test or not! If it lights red then it means you failed. Losing Wristband is automatically means you're disqualified unless you gave us a proper and valid reason why you lost it. The indication will happen in 3... 2... 1...," as he said that, a lot os wristband suddenly light in red.

They don't have a choice but to paled and walk out crying. Those who who passed mostly drop from 5k examinees a while ago to 1k+. They all sigh and determined to get one of the spot in 36 seat.

Of course theres a lot who's disappointed and some still wanted to complain but it seems like Izuku did gave them an instant fear a while ago. Which is Present Mic is actually thankful.

The screen suddenly change the picture into a big UA logo.

"I will now briefly explain the exam! ARE YOU READY?" Again, another silence was given to him.

"As indicated in the exam's pamphlet, the exam had been modified so everyone will have an equal chance to any type of quirks! But of course, the exam was also been modified to make it harder," Present Mic said and made a lot of exagerdated gesture as he speak.

"Examinees will have to participate in a 10-minute long mock battle. You are allow to bring any item and weapons as long as you have a permission slip from the principal office," The screen picture change into a cute permission slip that wiggles up and down while a neon arrow points to the slip while blinking and a word "Principal's Permission slip".

"After my speech, you should go to your respective arena," The picture change again. This time there is a box indicating the Arena then there is another boxes that connected to it with letters from A - G.

"How you will know your respective arena? Simple! Thr wristband will indicate you!" As cue, their battle arena was revealed in yheir wristband which makes them amaze.

"In this battle, it will be a point base performance if you can go in or not. In the arena, there is three type of volunteers you will encounter, The robot villain, the injured people, and of course the, stronger villain. The Robot Villains had 3 point types. 1 point Robot, 2 points Robot, and 3 point robots. These robots will allows you to have what we called "Low Villain Points"," The picture change again. From the type of the volunteers, then the villain robots. It goes with flow as Present Mic introduce the robots. Then the last part of the picture is the word "Low Villain Points" that blink in neon light.

"And as a hero, our job is to save people thus we have the "injured people". There is some student volunteers inside the arena who will pretend to have some type of injuries. Some of them was need to be saved and to amends. These students will give you points depending on how good you are in giving what they need. 8 points as highest, and 0 points is the lowest," Present Mic said. The picture of cute people in the screen where some of them are injured and the points they could give you.

"Last but not the least is the Stronger Villains. These villains are the volunteer Pro Heroes who will distract you to do what you need to do. And by the way, the proctor a while ago will participate as one of the Stronger Villain. There are 4 heroes each arena. And they will do everything so you will not be able to get points so make sure to observe them if they are near. They could give you higher points if you fought them. But remember, heroes shouldn't make a big damage in surrounding. It will decrease your points depending on how bad your collateral damage you made," Present Mic said. A video game like explain how the exam will go.

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