17: Provincial Liscense Part 3

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The next Phase was cancelled for a day while Hound Dog talk to the two. After two hours session, Hound Dog did advice to unwind if they can. So Violet and Christel's offer actually fits their situation.

"So we heard what happen, are you really sure you're okay?" Violet ask worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine, I might had another session after we got back into Japan," Izuku said with a small smile.

"Saklap naman non! Para kang trouble magnet! Tunog pa lang ng tono mo parang laging nangyayari, (that sounds bad. You sounds like a trouble magnet. Just sound of your tone seems it always happen) " Christel boredly said which earn her an elbowed hit from Violet.

"Can you fucking talk in english! You're getting to my nerve!" Katsuki irritatingly said.

"I'm not talking to you, so shoo!" Christel said while gesturing him to go away.

"This fuckin'" Katsuki started to set his palm to some explosion out of stress. Not really planning to hit someone but Christel out of reflex she punch him in hus face.

Violet and Izuku drop their jaw to what happen.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Katsuki said said with his aura getting dark.

"You're fault! You shouldn't set your quirk next to me! Its my reflex!" Christel awkwardly said.

"Oh my god! I'm really sorry, Mr Bakugou!" Violet said in panic. She help Katsuki with Izuku who gave his hankerchief while preventing Katsuki to attack Christel. He loudly yell and set a bit explosion in stress.

"Damn! Thats a big explosion," Christel said who's inside a glass like shield with Izuku and Violet.

"So thats why she's too confident in provoking Kacchan, she had a shield," Izuku mutter.

"Yeah, I'm wanted to apologize on how frank and straightforward she is. She really never back down to any fight at all," Violet awkwardly said.

The two manage to calm down and proceed to go and explore the Switzerland.


The next day, Claude Blanc was the Proctor of the last Phase. Where Izuku will fought a batch pro heroes in other land.

He had five opponent. One from Japan, which is Pro Hero Mirko rank 5, From Germany which is Pro Hero Vage rank 8, from Russia which is Pro Hero Pautina rank 6. South Korea which is Pro Hero Gigye rank 9, last but not the least, from Iceland Pro Hero Orka rank 7.

Izuku immediately knew who are they. He sigh and immediately remember their quirk. Pro Hero Mirko quirk Rabbit it gives her an attribute and ability of rabbit. This grants her incredible leg strength, allowing her to jump and kick with extreme force; she can even destroy large chunks of the ground by thumping her foot.

Pro Hero Vage quirk blur, it allows her to Blur every senses of her opponent. Its a terrifying quirk as it also allows the user to affect their sense of danger, sense of direction, their reflex and of course the physical 5 senses is part of it. Good thing is its a five finger activation.

Pro Hero Pautina quirk is Spider Web, it allows him to create a Spider web in any parts of his body except his head. But he mostly use his hands to create it. He's gold when it comes to capture and traps.

Pro hero Gigye's quirk is Sharp Weapon. It allows his to create any sharp weapon on his palm. He's a martial artist too which makes him dangerous.

Last is Pro Hero Orka, her quirk is Energy Booster. It allows her to use the energy she accumulate and use it as her attack. All of them are really good fighter in Izuku's opinion.

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