Chapter 5

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Ajax P.O.V

I woke up as the sun shot through my shades and pierced my eye. I growled before sitting up and yawning. I smiled. "We get to meet our mate today!"  My wolf Lupus happily screamed.

I chuckled and got out of bed. I entered my ensuite bathroom, quickly turned on the shower, and hopped in. I felt the warm water as it cascaded down my body. I thought about Lucas again, and slowly a warm feeling went through my body, causing me to shutter. 

After my shower, I did my business and brushed my teeth before exiting the bathroom. I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked to my closet.

I decided on a tank top and athletic shorts. I also put on my football sweater.

I quickly rushed out of my bedroom and ran down the stairs. When I got down there, I saw my mother and father sitting at the table, smiling at me. My mother got up and started running toward me. "Happy birthday, baby! You finally get to meet your mate! I hope they are cute!" I smiled and hugged my mother. "Once you guys seal the bond, You'll take over for me. I'm so proud of the man you've become." I chuckled and walked over to my father, and hugged him.

"I'm gonna go to school early today; I'll see you guys later." I was too excited to eat. I just wanted to get to school. I rushed out to my car and quickly turned it on before beginning my drive to school. As I drove, I felt the excitement work around my entire body. I finally saw the school come into sight and moved a bit faster. I parked my car and walked toward building when I got there. I decided to go to my first class early. When I got in, Mr. Braton looked at me. "You're earlier than usual. I'm surprised."

"Yeah, just in a good mood today..." He chuckled and went back to his work. Slowly as time passed, I felt myself getting restless.

Then unexpectedly. I smelt the sickeningly sweet scent of vanilla and pine filling my nose. I felt nervous and suddenly saw my mate come into view.

I saw Lucas and his beautiful white hair and striking blue eyes that made me feel like I was staring into the heart of the ocean. 

Everything about him was perfect, and he looked at me before sitting down and blushing. I slowly approached him and dug my head into his shoulder, causing him to gasp. "Mine..." I growled lowly, and he tensed up. I took off my sweater and handed it to him. "My love, I want my scent on you..."

He gulped before reluctantly putting my sweater on, and it caused me to feel even more excited. I kissed his neck, and he let out a quiet moan. I smirked. "Your moans are the sweetest sound I've ever heard..." I whispered into his ear before he began panting lightly. "I-I" He was lost for words as I pulled him closer. I slowly moved my way up to his chin and then placed a passionate kiss on his lips.

I felt fireworks shooting through my body and butterflies fighting in my stomach. Then, finally, he kissed me back, and I moved my tongue into his mouth. I could hear gasps as people began looking at us, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was stay in this perfect moment with the love of my life.

He slowly broke the kiss, and his face was beet red. "I-I think we're in too public of an area..." I sighed, and he looked around, noticing a lot of eyes on him. He pushed his head into my chest and hid there. I looked around and noticed it was mainly pack members looking at us, so I let out a possessive growl, and they quickly looked away. We continued staying close together throughout class.

I leaned down and rested my head on his shoulder. I could smell our scents mixing, making me feel warm and comfortable.

When the bell rang, I growled as it broke up our moment. "Meet me in the cafeteria after your class. You better keep wearing my sweater so people know who you belong to..." He slowly nuzzled his head into my neck and whimpered. 

"O-ok..." He slowly bit his bottom lip and hugged me. I smiled as I pulled him closer. "I'll see you later, Ajax..." Again, I smiled as he said my name. His voice sounds like the sweetest melody in the world played on the most beautiful instrument...

I whimpered as he pulled away and began walking to his next class. He looked back and blew me a kiss before walking out. I felt my face heat up. I walked out of the class with a stupid grin on my face. Jackson walked up to me and smiled. "You look like you've found your mate!" He chuckled before leaning against a locker. "Who is he?" 

I let out a happy sigh. "His name is Lucas... He's the most beautiful person I've ever met." I looked at the ceiling and thought about him before Jackson pulled me away from my thoughts. "Oh! The new kid? Is he a werewolf or a human?" I smiled again. "He's a werewolf and, better yet, an omega... and his wolf is majestic... Lupus is going crazy right now."

We walked to class, but I was too excited to pay attention. I kept looking at the clock and counted the seconds until I saw my mate again. 

As the last few minutes approached, I felt restless. "Alright, spend the last 5 minutes talking to each other." I turned to Jackson. "I can sense how restless you are for him. Hopefully, you don't mate him as soon as you see him" Jackson laughed, and I growled. "Believe me, I want to more than anything, but I won't do it until he wants me to." Jackson nodded and smirked. "For your sake, I hope that's soon. I don't wanna deal with you and your sexual frustration."

I suddenly looked at the clock; only a few seconds to go. I counted them down until, finally, the bell rang. I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran toward the cafeteria. I could smell my mate and couldn't wait to see him!

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please leave a vote and comment on the chapters! It helps and makes me more motivated!

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