Chapter 1

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Lucas P.O.V

I looked out the window as we drove to my new hell. The trees blurred by as I sighed. "Why do we need to move, Mom..."

"I've told you, we're moving here to have a quiet life. It will be a good thing. give it time." She smiled and put her hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes and cuddled into it. It's just been my mother and me for as long as I can remember. She means the world to me, and if she thinks this is best for us, I'm willing to try it.

I looked out the window, and suddenly a sign came into view. "Oh! Lucas, we're finally here!" She smiled. I read the sign as it flew by. "This is Grimsley?" I looked around and saw nothing but forestland around us. "Yeah, We're in the outskirts of it. We should be approaching the suburbs soon!" I smiled and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

When I turned it on, I saw I had a data connection. "Finally!" I opened my phone and went straight to Snapchat. I smiled as I scrolled through all my friends' messages. I felt a slight tear roll down my cheek like the cold sensation of regret shooting through my body. "Mom, is there a chance I can still visit my friends sometime in the future?" She giggled. "Of course! I have no issue with that, sweetie." I felt at ease a bit more as my mother said that. "When we get there, I must take Colt for a run." She nodded. "You can do that while I unpack everything."

I forgot to mention, but my mother and I are werewolves, and that's not even the craziest part; I'm an omega. She's tried teaching me a bit, but she doesn't know much about being a wolf other than mind-linking and shifting.

My wolf's petite like me, but he's swift. I've always been on the tinier side, like my mother. She and I are both 5'2, but I'm only 16, so I hope to grow more.

We continued driving, and we finally began seeing houses. "Holy crap, these houses are huge!" I peeked out the window in awe. We found ourselves getting into the more middle-class neighbourhood, and suddenly, we stopped and drove into a long driveway. "Your grandmother helped me find this place for a good price." We continued, and suddenly we pulled up to a little two-floor house. "Oh wow, this place is quaint!" She smiled. "It's three bedrooms, two bathrooms." My eyes grew wide. "I'm taking the upstairs main bedroom, but I've decided to give you the entire basement. It has a private bathroom and a bedroom!" I hugged her when we stopped. "Thank you!" I quickly opened my door and wandered to the trunk. "Move all your stuff into the house, and then you can go for a run." I nodded and grabbed my suitcase and laptop bag. My mother took her suitcase out as well. We strolled up to the door, and she yanked the key out of her pocket to unlock the door.

When the door opened, we walked in. The house smelt like dust and lavender. "Oh, this is an odd smell..." I mumbled, causing her to giggle. "It just needs a little cleaning." I nodded. "The door on the left leads to the basement. Make sure that when you get in, you run downstairs to get some clothes on." I quickly rushed to the door and ran downstairs. I flipped the light switch and smiled as I looked at it. The basement was just a large room with a door that led to the bathroom. I looked at the bed in the corner and quickly dropped my suitcase onto it. As my bag landed, dust flew to my face, and I started coughing. "You're going to need to clean when we get back!" My wolf Colt giggled.

I quickly undressed and shifted into my beautiful white wolf. I started sauntering up the stairs and to the door. When I got up there, the front door was closed. "Mom! Can you please open the door!" I mind linked to my mother. Abruptly the door opened, and she beamed. "Don't worry; I've got you, honey." I nodded and ran out the door. When I got to the forests behind our house, I felt my paws as they combed through the dirt. I took in the fresh air and drew breath before beginning to run. I started running through, going as fast as possible, dodging and running through the trees. I let out a howl as I ran. I slowly saw a lake come into view, and I changed direction toward it.

When I got there, I sat down and admired its beauty. At the same time, listening to the bugs and trees, I lay down and began rolling around in the grass. It felt fabulous.

Then, I heard a stick break and quickly got up and started examining my surroundings. I let out a low growl as I listened to another stick break. I snapped my head to my right, and unexpectedly I saw a black wolf with shining red eyes come into view. I whimpered as I began stepping back. He slowly stepped toward me, causing me to growl, which was met with his growl. I could tell he wasn't just a wild wolf... When I saw his eyes glow brighter, I quickly turned to my left and ran back into the forest. I looked back, and he was hot on my tail. I heard his growls and barks as I tried sprinting faster.

I began whimpering as he got closer and picked up speed as best I could. Fear coursed through my body like I was about to start crying. Suddenly I saw my house come into view, but I veered to the right. If I lead him to my house, I'll endanger my mother! I need to lose this guy! I started running back into the forest, taking the most hazardous paths. I peeked around, and he was still incredibly close. While looking back, I ran into a branch and flew onto my back. I let out a yelp.

While I was on the ground, he stood over me and started growling. "Shift back if you want to live!" I whimpered and began shifting back. I started crying, and he shifted back as well. "What the fuck were you doing on my pack's territory!" I froze up and looked at his massive muscles. He looked enormous from the ground, and so did his... Manhood...

"I asked you a question!" He sneered, and I flinched. "I-I d-d-didn't k-know!" I cried out, and he bent down to examine my face. "You don't look like a warrior... What kind of wolf are you?" I gulped and looked away in embarrassment. "Ah, you're just a regular, little omega." He sighed and gazed into my ocean-coloured eyes. "You don't look dangerous at all... Make sure I never see you on our territory again. Next time I don't know if I'll be so forgiving. " He growled and got back up.

He shifted back and began running away. I felt my heart pounding with fear... I can't let my mother know; I don't want her to worry about me.

I slowly got up and let out a breath before shifting back. I began running back to my house, and when I got there, I slowly stepped through the open door and down the stairs.

When I got down there, I shifted back and started sobbing lightly. I've never been so afraid before... I thought he would kill me, but I got lucky...

"I'm sorry, Lucas, I tried to outrun him, but I failed... I'm the worst wolf ever."

I frowned and opened my suitcase. I pulled out some clothes, my shower kit, and my towel. I quickly ran into my bathroom and closed the door behind me. When I turned on the light, I was pleasantly surprised to see how clean and modern the bathroom looked. The contrast was utterly different from the rest of the house, and I smiled.

I walked up to the shower and started it up. Once the temperature was right, I got in and felt the hot water flow down my body. I leaned against the wall and recalled the encounter I had just had. I remembered the sensation of fear that jolted through my body, and I found myself crying again. I can't believe this is my first experience here... I hope tomorrow will be a better day...

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