Chapter 10

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Ajax P.O.V

We sat in my car as we drove to school. Lucas was nestled into my arm. His captivating eyes were hidden from me, which caused me to pout. I must've drained him earlier... But my god, it was worth it.

I shifted one hand over to hold him close to me while I used the other the drive. I felt him gradually moving his hand to my hand. He grabbed my hand and had it, sending electricity up my arm to my cheeks. I smiled as we pulled closer to the school. "My love... We're here." I pulled into the parking lot and parked in the closest space to the doors. He groaned lightly as we came to a stop. I chuckled as he began sulking. Suddenly he gripped the lever on the side of the seat, causing my seat to fall back, before crawling on top of me and cuddling into me. "Mmm, you're nice and warm..." I smirked and kissed his forehead. "Oh my, you've turned into a horny little guy, haven't you?" I chuckled, and he let out a whimper before drilling his head into my chest out of humiliation. 

"How about tonight you come over to my place for the weekend, and we can spend the entire weekend cuddling, and we can finally spend a full night together..." I gradually rubbed his back, and he lifted his head with a plastered smile. "Really!?" He lit up with excitement.

I nodded, and he placed a light kiss on my jaw, causing me to shudder with pleasure, making him smirk.

I let out a slight growl and gripped his ass again. "I've told you this many times, love... if you keep doing naughty things to me, I will repay the favour tenfold." I shot him a seductive smirk, and he gulped. I chuckled before opening the door and letting him out. When he left, I returned my seat to normal and excited the vehicle. I closed the door, locking the car before wrapping my arm around his neck. 

"You excited to meet my family tonight, little wolf?" He nodded nervously, and I chuckled at how adorable he looked. "You have nothing to fear. They're begging to meet you..." He slowly pulled his backpack off and brought it in front of him. "Here... I got you something last night." I looked as he pulled out a box similar to the one I got for him. "I-I got a ring with my scent in it so you can smell more like me..." He looked away nervously, and I took the box in my hand. I smiled and opened it to see the ring. "Baby, it's beautiful." I took the ring out and slid it onto my finger. It fits perfectly.

I leaned down and kissed his forehead as we got closer to class. "You know... I might have another gift for you after school." I growled lowly in his ear, causing him to gasp. 

I chuckled at his reaction before we walked into math class. We sat in our regular seats; however, he sat on my lap this class. The teacher didn't seem to mind, though, as long as we stayed quiet and did our work. 

We quietly worked on our math homework throughout the class, and I slowly rubbed his thigh. He would look at me from time to time with a slightly embarrassed look, but it just made me wanna do it more.

When math class finished, we split ways which I always hated... 

Jackson came up to me and patted me on the back. "So, how are things going with your new toy?" I chuckled and patted him on the back as well. "He and I had quite a good morning..." I smirked, and he started laughing. "Did you go all the way? Or did he deny you access?" I groaned and looked away. "Not as far as I wanted to go, but good things take time..." 

"Whatever you say, man, I can't wait to meet my mate tomorrow..." He smiled. 

Jackson's dream since he was young was to meet his mate. He's been obsessed with the elders' stories of how they met their mates for as long as I can remember. He's been preparing for the day for years. He already has a beautiful cabin and enough condoms to kill a whale.

"I tell you, man. She's going to be the perfect mate." I chuckled. "What if it's a He?" He shrugged. "Then I'm going in rough and fast." We both started laughing as we walked to our next class, but what he said got me thinking. I've had the same mentality.

Just because Lucas is a guy doesn't mean I can be rougher... When we finally mate, I want to go for the entire night...

When we got to class, we sat down and discussed Jackson's plans. After class started, we crawled through class until the bell finally rang. I quickly got up and ran to Lucas's locker. When I saw him, I felt a smile creep onto my face. 

I ran up to him and lifted him into the air. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I wrapped mine around his back, pulling him into a tight hug. "B-babe, I can't breathe." He giggled, and I let go of him with an innocent smirk. "You're such an ass." He laughed as he kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back, and he broke the kiss. "Now, let's get going to the table." I smiled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the cafeteria.

When we got to the table, I sat down, and he sat on my lap like usual. "Are you hungry, baby?" He asked me with a small kiss. Jackson snickered. "I can think of something he's hungry for," I growled. 

Tristan and Jackson started laughing, and Lucas began to laugh lightly too. I groaned and buried my head into his chest. God, I can't wait until Jackson finds his mate so we can start teasing him. "Babe, I'm still a bit nervous about meeting your parents tonight..." I slowly massaged his back. "Don't be worried; they'll love you just as much as I do." I placed light kisses on his jaw, and he smiled as he melted into me. 

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please leave a vote and comment on the chapters! It helps and makes me more motivated!

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