Chapter 11

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Lucas P.O.V

As the final bell rang, I slowly got up from my chair and started walking to my locker.

What if his parents don't like me? Where do they stand in the pack? How should I dress? should I dress casual or formal? These questions hit me like a bullet as I walked toward my locker. I realized how little I knew about my mate. How could I let him mate me yet if we barely really know each other...

As my locker came into view, I saw Ajax, and slowly my frown turned to a smile. He smiled back at me, and I ran over to him. I just into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Well, somebody's excited to see me..." He smirked before giving me a quick peck on the lips. "I'm nervous about tonight..." I sighed as I buried my face in his chest. He chuckled and rested his head on top of mine. "Don't be; I promise they'll love you." I smiled and continued to cuddle into him. "Now, grab your stuff. I'll drop you off at your house and wait outside while you get ready." I sighed. "What should I wear?" He smirked. "I brought something for you... But you'll have to wait until you get home." He chuckled evilly, and I whimpered softly.

"You can be so mean." I pouted. He let me down and pushed me against my locker gently. "Oh, I know, I'm the meanest mate you could find..." He smashed his lips against mine and pulled me into an aggressive kiss. I melted into it, deepening it. He then forced his tongue in and began exploring my mouth. At this point, I feel like his tongue is in my mouth more than his.

"You want me to be mean?" He said through the kiss, and I gave an, "mhmm."

He lifted my leg and got closer to me as he pushed me into the locker more. I let out a small moan as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could hear people gasping and whispering around us, but I didn't care. All I cared about was Ajax at this moment.

He then pulled away and smirked. "I like you in this position..." He growled lowly while placing his other hand on my ass. I let out an audible yelp and quickly covered my mouth. My face went beet red as embarrassment rushed through every nerve in my body. I then heard Jackson and Tristan laughing along with one of their pack warriors, Patrick. I covered my face, and Ajax rested his head on mine. "So, are you ready to be tossed to the wolves, Lucas?" I shook my head and pushed my face back into Ajax's chest. "Aw, Baby, he's just joking. They don't bite... Often." I pulled out of his chest and glared at him, causing him to stick out his tongue. I quickly grabbed it and pulled his tongue toward me. "You're going to lose this thing one day." He smirked as he got closer to me. "Don't worry. This tongue will soon be inside more than one of your holes." I gasped and turned away from him with blush all over my face causing Ajax and his friends to laugh. "You're such a jerk." I fake pouted.

He then wrapped his arms around my waist and nibbled on my neck lightly, causing me to let out a quiet moan. "I can't help it when you make those adorable sounds... I wanna ravage you, my love." I smirked and turned around. "Don't worry, Big Wolf... Soon enough, I'll take care of that little problem..." I pointed down, and his friends started laughing. "You didn't think it was so little this morning..." My eyes grew wide, and I looked away from him. "Alright, let's just get going before I put a chastity belt on you."

"Ooooh, Ajax, you're in trouble now!" Tristan let out, causing us all to laugh. Ajax and I started walking down the hall towards the front doors. "You know, maybe if tonight goes well, you might wanna give me another reward...?" He growled lowly into my ear, causing me to shudder with warmth. "Why do I have to reward you? Why can't you spend a night pleasuring me?" I pouted, and he smirked. "Oh, you have no idea how much I want to pleasure you... I want to make you scream my name." I giggled and flicked his nose, causing him to sneeze. "You're such a horn dog."

"Don't forget about me, Lucas. I wanna mate with his wolf soo badly."

I groaned, and Ajax smirked. "Cole bugging you?" I nodded, and he wrapped his arm around my neck as we approached the front doors. "Don't worry, love. Lupus is begging for me to mate you right now... He's talking about everything he wants to do to you..." He nibbled my ear, and my lip quivered with pleasure. "Well, unfortunately, you're keeping it in your pants tonight." Ajax chuckled. "Soon enough, we'll be doing it. tomorrow night is a full moon after all." I froze as we walked through the front doors. "W-wait... I-It is?" I gulped, and he nodded.

Allow me to explain something about submissive wolves. We have what is called a heat cycle. It's where our bodies undergo a physical change that changes our insides so that two males can produce offspring. However, for females, it's different as it increases their fertility. But, something that isn't different is the intense lust we feel during this change.

"Don't worry, my love, when your heat comes, I'll take care of you... and you'll be carrying my pups..." He rubbed my stomach, and I pulled him closer. "If you impregnate me tomorrow, I swear to god. I will kill you. I'm not ready to raise puppies yet." We resumed walking to his car, and when we finally arrived, we got in and started driving to my house. "Little wolf, I promise you, you won't get pregnant tomorrow. That ring I gave you prevents you from going through the physical change." I looked at my ring with wide eyes. "H-how?" He smirked. "It was given to me by a warlock." I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "Wait, warlocks exist?" He nodded. "Oh yeah, they're just good at hiding."

I listened in amazement. I looked at my ring and smiled. "But, will I still feel the intense lust?" He nodded. "Oh, definitely, which is why you'll be given the option to go back home for the night or stay with me... It's your choice entirely." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you." He smiled back. "Anything for you." We sat in loving silence throughout the rest of the car ride as he rubbed my thigh. When we arrived at my house, I quickly ran in and ran downstairs. When I got downstairs, I ensured I didn't waste a single moment. I promptly ran into the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth.

When I finished there, I went back into my room with a towel around my waist. Suddenly I heard and chuckle from the entrance. "You forgot something." I thought for a moment, and it came to me. "Oh! You said you brought me an outfit?" He nodded and threw a plastic bag at me. The smell of him was overwhelming. I gulped as I slowly took out the clothes. They looked huge compared to me. They had to be his clothes. "I want our smells to mix... I want everyone to know who you belong. I smiled and quickly threw off my towel to get a pair of boxer briefs. However, I heard Ajax's approval growl while I walked to my closet. I groaned. "Keep it in your pants, baby." I fake scoffed, and he grinned like an idiot. "What if I lost the pants...?" I blushed as he walked over to me. I could see him at full mast through his shorts.

"My god, you're way too horny." He chuckled. "You have no idea just how horny I am..." He walked up to me and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I matched his movement as he slowly began taking off his clothes. Before I knew it, he was naked...

Oooooh, Spicy~ Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far! Please leave a vote and a comment if you are, as they mean a lot! Thanks to you sexy bitches I'm super close to 500 followers! Love you!~

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