Chapter 2

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Lucas P.O.V

"Lucas! Get up. It's your first day. If you're late, so help me, god."

I quickly shot my eyes open and got out of bed. I ran into my bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth. When I got out, I ran to my suitcase and grabbed navy blue shorts with a black shirt and new boxer briefs. I put everything on and quickly put on my deodorant before running upstairs.

My mom laughed as she looked at me. "Damn, That's the fastest you've ever gotten ready." I let out a nervous chuckle. "Y-yeah..." I sat at the table, and she put a plate of bacon and eggs before me. I cheered up as I began digging in.

My mom is a fantastic cook! "Eat up; you're a growing boy and a werewolf." I let out a small giggle and continued digging into my food. 

"Now, when you finish, I'll drop you off early so you can find your classes ahead of time." I nodded without even looking up from my food. "If anything happens, call me, and I'll be over there immediately." I stopped eating as the flashbacks from yesterday played in my head.

"Y-yeah, I'll be sure to tell you..." I lied as I nervously went back to my food. When I finished, I put my plate in the sink and ran downstairs to grab my backpack. I had filled it the night before, so I didn't need to worry about it.

My mom was waiting by the door with her keys when I returned. We left the house and locked the door before getting to the car. We got in, and I looked down. My mother put her hand on my shoulder, and I frowned.

"I know you're nervous, sweetie, but it will be alright. You'll make new friends, and you'll enjoy it here."

I nodded and let out a nervous sigh. I hope my mother's right because it feels like an arrow is going through my body.

We began driving, and I leaned against the window, observing the trees go by. The cold autumn air frosted the windows lightly, Although it didn't bother me. I enjoy the cold, as does my wolf.

As we drove, we made our way into a more populated area; then, suddenly, a vast building popped into view. "No way, that's the school?" She nodded and let out a giggle. I looked at it in disbelief. "Why does a place this small need such a big school?!" She sighed. "This town has a population of thirty-thousand." 

"Oh, that makes a little more sense then, I guess..." I muttered. When we got close, I felt a nervous yet excited feeling in my body, and my leg began squirming. I felt like I would cry, but I couldn't let the tears swell up.

"You'll be fine, honey, I promise." I nervously nodded, and we pulled into the school parking lot. My mother drove to the front entrance and stopped. "You have an amazing day, and remember to be yourself." I sighed. "Alright, I'll see you later."

I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before leaving the car. As I saw my mom drive off, anxiety and trepidation began filling me again. I felt isolated and scared, but I decided to push through and walk into the building.

I looked around and saw a set of doors to my left that read 'front office.' 

I slowly walked towards the doors and entered the office. Three ladies were sitting behind a large desk when I got in there. "How may I help you, hun." Then, a heftier woman stood up and strode toward me. "I-I'm Lucas S-small..." She smiled and grabbed a piece of paper from the front desk. "I'm so glad you decided to come to our school! It's not often we get new students."

I bit my bottom lip and nodded while looking at the ground. "It's alright, hun; it's ok to be nervous on your first day." I felt a little more at ease after she said that.

She then handed me the piece of paper. "This is your schedule, and I have written down your locker and its combination on the top. She pointed to it, and I nodded. "T-thanks..." I let out a shy smile and walked out of the office.

When I got out, I looked down at my paper and down the main hallway. I let out a sigh. This was going to take a bit... 

I began walking down the hallway and noticed a room of teens sitting in chairs. One glanced at me and quickly ran to open the door. "Oh, hey! Are you new here?" I nodded, and she smiled. "Oh wow! We hardly ever get new kids!" She stuck out her hand.

I nervously shook it, and she shook it back. "I'm Holly!"

I smiled. "I'm Lucas." She giggled. "Now, let me see your schedule. Then I'll give you a quick tour." I beamed and handed it over. "Alright, so you have math with Mr. Braton. He's a nice guy but super boring, so resist the urge to fall asleep. You also have science with Mrs. Short for your second period. Lastly, you have Coach Brown and Mr. Young for Gym and English." I nodded. Mrs. Short loves when you speak up, Coach Brown doesn't like anything, and Mr. Young only cares that you get your assignments in on time." I took a moment to process everything she told me. "I'll show you to your locker and where your classes are!" I nodded, and we went off.

She and I started talking about my old school and friends before arriving at my locker.

I quickly unlocked it to put my bag in. I took out my notebook and pencil case before closing the locker.

"Alright, you get lucky in your first period because the class is across from your locker. I looked behind me and smiled. "Oh wow! That's convenient." She nodded, and we started walking through the school. She showed me where my other classes were and started making me feel less worried.

When we finished, we heard the bell right. "Alright, so you remember your way to math?" I nodded and smiled. "Thank you so much!" She hugged me, and we split ways.

I made it to math class and walked in. The teacher looked at me and smiled. "You must be Lucas. Please take a seat in the back."

I nodded and sat down in the back corner beside the window. Mr. Braton came over to me and handed me a textbook. "This is the textbook for our class. Please complete pages three, six, and twelve to catch up with what we're learning. Don't worry; I've written in the formulas and highlighted the question pages for you."

I smiled nervously and nodded. He walked back to his desk. I started working on the questions before class started. Luckily I've always been pretty good at math, and I started blasting through them.

Once I finished, I sat quietly. "Alright, Everybody, please turn to page 28, and we'll go over the review for the test coming up. If you have any homework, please come up now and turn it in." I nervously got up, walked up to him, and placed the pieces of paper with the finished questions on his desk. "Already?" I nodded, and he smiled.

"I can tell you'll do well in my class." I slowly wandered back to my seat and sat down. Abruptly the door opened, and Mr. Braton sighed. "Thank you for joining us, Ajax... Please take your seat and take out your textbook." He rolled his eyes and made his way to the back. He looked at me and growled lightly. When we locked eyes, my heart dropped.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please leave a vote and comment on the chapters! It helps and makes me more motivated!

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