Chapter 3

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Ajax P.O.V

When I got to my seat, I saw the little omega from yesterday. I instinctually growled as he tensed up. I sat down beside him and gazed at him. "I had a feeling I might see you again..." I sneered, and he bit his bottom lip. "I-I'm sorry..." I sighed. "It's whatever..." I looked away from him and grabbed my textbook and notebook out of my bag. I cruised through the class. Mr. Braton is boring, so I tuned him out and did my work. I, however, kept looking back at the timid boy who looked as if he wanted to run.

He was small, but from what I saw yesterday, the little bastard is fast. There aren't many wolves that can outpace an alpha breed. 

When the bell rang, he promptly got up, grabbed his things and ran out of the room. I sighed and got up to get to my next class.

Law was boring as usual, so I mainly did the same and did my work as I tuned everything else out. When the bell rang, I left the room to meet with my Beta, Jackson.

I saw him, and he smiled before pulling me into a bro hug. "Alright, I've got a plan for a new training exercise. It involves swimming." I smirked. "You are a sadist, aren't you." He gave me an evil smirk, and we walked toward the lunch room. I saw many pack members and sat down at my table with Jackson. I looked around and saw Tristan running into the cafeteria toward our table. "Yo!" He shouted as he got to the table, panting. I growled. "What's wrong?!" Tristan is my gamma, and he and I have been friends since we were children. "There's a new kid, and something seems off about him..." He growled. I stiffened up and growled back at him impulsively before quickly collecting myself. "S-sorry, what were you about to say?" What the hell was that? Why would I growl at him?

"Alright, I have reason to believe he's a werewolf." This wasn't news, but I decided to hear him out. "He has a different smell from these usual humans. It's as if he isn't." I nodded and looked toward the door. Tristan has the best nose in the entire pack. He's strong like us. I'm 6'5, Jackson is 6'3, and Tristan is 6'1. We all have a similar muscular build, but I have more than them from all the alpha training I've received. 

"I'll look into it; thank you for bringing this to my attention." He nodded, and we began to enjoy lunchtime. We mainly used this time to talk about pack plans and life.

As we were talking, I saw the new boy walk in, and I stared at him. I felt a warm feeling from him as I admired his features. His curvy, delicate figure and his beautiful face. You could see his snow-white hair and blue eyes through the darkest night. I remained fixated on him until my Beta snapped his fingers before my face, pulling me back to the real world. I shook my head and looked at him. "Jesus Christ, I can smell your arousal," I growled, and he chuckled. "Who's the lucky guy?" I looked down at the table and sighed.

I'm gay, but I've always been self-conscious about it. What if the pack members consider me a weaker Alpha because of it?

"Nobody..." He then laughed, and we returned to talking. When lunch finished, I quickly picked up my bag and ran to my locker. Thank god, Jackson and I have gym right now. So I grabbed my gym clothes and put my bag in my locker. 

I stood by my locker to collect myself. There's something about this boy... I can't figure out what it is. I heard the final bell go off and groaned. Great, now I'm going to be late...

I quickly rushed to the locker room, and it was empty when I got in there. I sighed and made my way to my gym locker. Suddenly I heard the door open again, and the same boy entered. When he saw me, he gasped, and I could see his fear. I frowned and began changing into my gym clothes. He picked the locker across the room, and I quickly decided to look back at him. I saw his tight boxer briefs clinging to his beautiful ass. 

I felt a warm feeling shoot through my body and shuttered with lust. I observed his slender figure and thought of how he would look as he lay broken in front of me, drained from me, ravaging him.

I finished getting ready and quickly shut my locker door. It made him jump, and I felt my heart skip a beat. I quickly rushed out of the locker room and into the gym.

The boy soon followed behind me, and we walked toward the class. "Alright, now that everyone's here, let's get started. We'll do some running today, so I want ten laps around the outside of the school." I smiled as I loved to run, but I then looked at the boy as he smiled. "Alright, now get going." We all began running to the front doors.

When we got outside, I started leading the class, quickly opening the distance; however, The boy was hot on my tail, and Jackson was a little behind him. I smirked and began speeding up, as did he. This was going to be interesting.

We continued racing around the school as he remained close to me. We started going so fast that we saw the class again and ran past them. I saw Jackson and smirked at him, and he flipped me off. I chuckled and kept running.

It was getting close to the last lap, but the boy was gaining on me until he finally passed me. I looked at him, shocked as he kept running. I tried my hardest but couldn't get past him, but it was too late as we eventually finished. We both panted hard as we waited for the rest of the class to spend their last laps. Finally, the coach walked up to us. "Well, I'm pleasantly surprised. I've never seen somebody beat Ajax before."

I growled and looked at the ground. "You must be Lucas. It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiled nervously and shook the Coach's hand. "T-thank you..." He said through his panting. I walked up to him and stuck my hand out. "Good race..." I said, defeated, and he shook it. When he touched my hand, I felt sparks shoot through my body, and I could tell he did too. "My name's Ajax..." I said, and he bit his bottom lip. "M-my name is Lucas..." I smiled as he said his name. Lucas... What a beautiful name.

Once the class finished, we all stood in front of the school. "Alright, Nice work, everyone. You have the rest of the class to do whatever you want." I smiled and walked over to Jackson. "You gotta keep up, buddy!" I snickered, and he growled. "You dick, I had a full workout this morning!"

We talked for the rest of the class before hearing the bell. We rushed to the locker room, quickly got into our regular clothes, put deodorant on, and ran to our following class. The gym class was exciting today... I didn't expect him to be fast in human and wolf form. 

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please leave a vote and comment on the chapters! It helps and makes me more motivated!

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