Chapter 8

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Ajax P.O.V

When I arrived at the lake, I sat on the ground and waited for my mate. I shook with anticipation and excitement as the seconds went by. I then heard a light panting and a stick break. I looked away, and the first thing I saw was his beautiful white hair. I stood up, and he walked over and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you so much, my love." He smiled, and he buried his face into my chest. I slowly lowered us down, and he lay on top of me.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him closer. We sat there listening to the peaceful sounds of the forest and basking in the beautiful sun's heat. I decided to take my shirt off, which grabbed his attention. I looked at him with love as he moved his face up. His beautiful white hair shimmered like diamonds in the sun's loving gaze, and his piercing blue eyes reached the furthest corners of my soul and settled in like they were always meant to be there. I smiled, as did he, before placing a soft kiss on his lips. He kissed me back.

I flipped us over, getting on top of him and deepening the kiss with both arms holding me up. He placed his soft hands on my cheeks, ensuring my lips could never move away from him. I slowly slipped my tongue in, exploring every inch of his strawberry-flavoured mouth. I left no inch untouched. 

When we finally broke the kiss, he lay there panting. He whimpered and pulled me down so I was entirely on top of him. I positioned my knees between his legs and started kissing his neck. The beautiful moans that escaped his tantalizing lips only fueled my lust for him more. 

"A-ajax..." He whined as he squirmed slightly. I smirked as I continued working my way down. I slowly removed his shirt and sweater.

He blushed as I admired his fragile body. "My love, every inch of you is beautiful..." I kissed his cheek, and he let out another small moan. Then, I moved my lips down to his nipples and kissed them lightly. Next, I moved my lips to his stomach while his moans grew louder.

"A-ajax..." He let out quietly, and I gave a possessive growl. "Repeat my name, little wolf..." He moaned lightly as I continued kissing every inch of his body. "A-Ajax!" I felt my region growing stiffer by the second. I knew anymore, and I wouldn't be able to control my wolf... I slowly moved my lips back to his mouth, and he moved his hands to my chest. I smirked as he sensually explored my muscles with his hands. "God, don't do such attractive things, my love... I don't know how long I can hold my wolf back..." I growled lightly into his ear. He slowly flipped us onto our sides and flipped himself around, pressing into me.

I looked down as my manhood touched his ass. It took everything to control myself before pulling him closer and resting my head on his shoulder. He giggled as I kissed his cheek quickly. "Take a nap, my love... I'll protect you." He yawned and moved closer to me before closing his eyes.

I lay awake and listened to my mate's soft snores and quiet mumbles. Everything about him was perfect and adorable... I want nothing more than to claim him, but until he's ready, I'll have to make due. I slowly felt my eyes closing and drifted off for a small nap. 

I woke up an hour later to the slight shuffling of my mate. I smiled and placed a small kiss on his lips. He opened his eyes slowly and then started kissing me back. I broke the kiss, and he turned to me. "Babe, I got you something..." I smiled as he adorably raised his eyebrow.

I looked into his tempting eyes as I pulled the small box from my pocket. "I've been saving this for the day I finally met my mate..." I slowly handed it to him and placed a kiss on his forehead. 

He opened the box and let out a small gasp before placing an excited kiss on my lips. "Oh my god, It smells like you... this is amazing! I love it!" He quickly got on top of me, and we started laughing as we rolled around in the long grass. "I love you more than words can articulate, little wolf." He giggled as he slid on the ring and put the box with our shirts. "I love you too, big wolf." I felt a fuzzy feeling shoot through my body as he called me that. We continued lying there until it got dark and the sun went down. "I should probably be getting home, Big wolf..."

I sighed and let out a small whimper. "Do you have to go?" He nodded, and I pouted. "Don't worry! Tomorrow we can do the same thing if you want." I smirked and pulled him over me, wrapping my arms around him. "No! You aren't leaving me!" I nuzzled my face into his shoulder, and he started laughing. "Awe, you're too adorable when you get like this..." I sighed and let go of him. He pulled me into one last kiss before getting up. I still lay there on the ground, watching him walk away. "I love you!" I shouted, and he smiled. "I know!" I chuckled, as did he, before he faded out of view.

I sighed and got up. I looked at the ground as he forgot his shirt and sweater. I decided to grab them and run after him quickly.

I ran to his house and knocked on the door. Suddenly a woman answered the door and glared at me. "May I help you?" I nodded and handed her Lucas's shirt and sweater. She lit up, and her jaw dropped. "O-Oh, my god! You must be Lucas's mate! It's so nice to meet you!" She quickly hugged me, and I smiled. "I'll bring these down to him; thank you so much." She smiled before taking the clothes from my hand. "No problem, tell him I'll see him tomorrow..." She giggled. "For sure, have a good night... uh." I chuckled. "Ajax." She nodded. "Have a good night, Ajax." She said before slowly closing the door. I smiled to myself and shifted so I could run home quicker. 

Today was a perfect day.

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