Chapter 6

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Lucas P.O.V

I started panting as I paced in one spot. 

I can't believe I found my mate. Oh my god, He's so hot, and that beautiful husky voice makes me melt... I slowly continued, and suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my waist from behind. I felt electricity flowing through my body and shuttered with anticipation.

I turned around to see his beautiful red eyes gazing into mine. I felt his dominance create a protective shield around me, and I beamed as I nuzzled him lightly. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around him before he began walking us to a table. I snuggled into him more. I didn't care who saw us; I wanted to be closer to him.

He sat down, and I cuddled into him. He wrapped his arms around me before relaxing his head on my shoulder. I then unexpectedly heard him growl and sunk into him even more. I looked behind me and saw three guys grinning at the table. "Wow, he is adorable." One guy spoke up, and I blushed. "You guys can introduce yourselves to him later. For now, I want to cuddle my gorgeous mate..." Ajax spoke with a commanding voice that made me shudder with lust.

I raised my head, and he looked down at me. "It's alright, baby, you just calm down..." He slowly rubbed my back and held me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

Suddenly he growled again as more people sat at the table. "Relax, dude; we just wanna meet your mate." He growled again, which caused me to giggle. I gave him a quick peck on the lips, which shut him up. I turned around and was now facing them. "I-I'm Lucas..." I blushed as Ajax wrapped his arms around me from behind. One by one, they all introduced themselves and started talking about us. "You guys have any plans to seal the bond yet?" Jackson laughed. I quickly whimpered as a dark blush grew across my face. "N-not yet..." I said softly, and Jackson chuckled. "Putting him in the dog house already, huh?" We all laughed except for Ajax, who just groaned. 

"I-it's alright, I-I just don't know if I'm ready yet..." I twisted around, and he kissed me. I melted into it, as did he before breaking it. "Now that you've all met him, He's mine, so get lost." He said with his command voice once and spun me around so I faced him again. I giggled, and I cuddled back into him. "I want you to meet me at the lake tonight, my love... There we can lay together for hours..." I nodded into his chest and let out a slight happy growl. He growled back, and we stayed there in a passionate embrace for the entire lunch period. 

When lunch ended, he picked me up and started walking us to his locker, where he held me with one hand and used the other to grab his gym clothes. He then started walking to my locker. He let me down, and I whimpered as he let go. I quickly grabbed my gym clothes and held onto his arm as I cuddled back into him while we walked to the locker room. When we got in there, we went to his gym locker and started getting changed, but he blocked everyone from seeing me while I changed. Once I finished changing, he quickly got changed, and we ran out to the gym.

When we got in there, the coach looked at us as we were glued to each other and smiled. Then, he walked up to us. "Hey, Lucas, have you given any thought to track and field? After what I saw from you yesterday, I think you'd be perfect for it!" I smiled and nodded. "Y-yeah, sound like fun!" I smiled, and Ajax cuddled into me. "Anyways, You boys relax for a bit, We're just going to be doing a few laps around the gym, but you guys can sit it out. I already know how you guys would do." We smiled and made out way to the bleachers. Ajax pulled me onto his lap, and Jackson shot us a smirk, to which Ajax replied with a growl. 

I quickly kissed him on the lips, which stopped his growling. "You're so protective..." I smiled as he smirked. "Of course, you're too precious, my love..." I felt my cheeks heat up as I began cuddling back into him. Once the coach blew the whistle, we joined the class. "Alright, Today we're going to play some dodgeball. Split into two teams and get on either side of the court. I'll be making sure the teams are even. Ajax and I walked to the right side of the court, as did Jackson. "Don't worry, little wolf; I'll protect you..." He whispered into my ear before lightly nibbling it. I shuddered and whimpered lightly. "You make the cutest noises..." He smiled before cuddling into me. "Alright, Let's get this game started. Everyone will get to the walls and can't go until I blow the damn whistle." 

Once we all got to the walls, there was an eerie silence before the coach blew his whistle. Ajax and I ran ahead and began rolling balls back toward our team. I got behind him, and Jackson tossed him two balls. "I knew you'd like holding two balls." Jackson chuckled, as did Ajax. "Whatever, loser." They laughed again before Ajax tossed one after the other and hit two people on the other team. 

The game went on and was left up to a four v 2. Ajax smirked, and I got out from behind him. All four got together and tossed the balls at Ajax, but He dodged them and grabbed two. He threw them and hit two more people, which caused our teammates on the sideline to cheer. Suddenly a guy threw a ball toward me, and I froze before putting my hands up. When I opened my eyes, I caught it, and Ajax smiled. I tossed the ball to him, and he threw it at the last guy, making us win the game. Our whole team started cheering, and Ajax came over to give me a quick peck on the lips. I bit my bottom lip as the sweat dripped, making his shirt slightly see-through. His rock-hard abs grabbed my attention and held it hostage.

"I can smell your arousal, my love..." He whispered into my ear with a seductive tone. "I-I'm n-n-not a-aroused..." I stuttered as he chuckled. "It's alright if you are love... I am a bit aroused myself..." I blushed madly and turned away from him, burying my face in my hands.

He laughed before putting his finger under my chin and lifting my head toward his. "It's alright, little wolf; you don't need to be embarrassed with me." The bell suddenly rang, and he groaned before kissing me. I melted into the kiss, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I placed my hands on his arms and arched my back to get closer to him. He broke the kiss and growled possessively. "Now let's get changed, and I wanna see my sweater back on you..." I smiled as I gave him one last peck, and we walked toward to locker room. After we had changed, we got out and kissed each other goodbye. 

I smiled as I began walking to class. I thought back to his body and felt a warm feeling.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please leave a vote and comment on the chapters! It helps and makes me more motivated!

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