Chapter 7

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Ajax P.O.V

I heard the bell ring, and I started to smile. I quickly ran out of class and went toward my mate's locker. When I saw him there, I smiled and ran up to him. He looked at me, and his eyes grew wide before I picked him up. "That hour and a half was torture being away from you..." I whispered into his ear as he wrapped his legs around my waist. He giggled before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "God, I met you just a few days ago, but I feel we've been together forever..." He said through the kiss. "I feel the same way, little wolf..." I smiled, and we broke the kiss. "Now, remember the plan... you meet me at the lake, be sure to walk there because if I saw you naked again..." I slowly leaned toward his ear. "I'd have to take you then and there..." I whispered sensually. 

"I-I'll keep that in mind..." He said, breathing heavily. I smirked and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before letting him down. "You better not forget... or you'll be punished." I grabbed his ass lightly, and he let out a small yelp. I smirked evilly as I walked away. 

God, my mate's perfect... every fibre of my being wants him and his gorgeous body.

I quickly left the school and headed to my car, where Jackson and Tristan were waiting. "Hey there, lover boy, where's your mate?" I smiled. "He and I are meeting up a little later on..." Tristan smirked. "Oooh, perhaps this could be the moment?"

"Nope." I sighed, popping the 'p.'

They chuckled, and we got into the car. While driving, I told them about my plan to cuddle with him the entire evening and bring him a unique ring infused with my scent. They both liked the idea, and that made me feel relieved. But, then again, nothing will ever be enough for my beautiful mate... he deserves the world. No, the universe. 

When we arrived at the pack territory, I quickly entered my house with a permanent smile. Before I could run upstairs, my Mom promptly stood up. "Honey! Did you find your mate today!?" I nodded, and she lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh my god! Tell me about them!" I sat down. "Well, he's short, adorable, fast and the cutest boy I've ever seen!" I grinned, and my father chuckled. "Sounds like you found yourself a catch, son. Bring him over soon so we can meet him!" My mother hugged me and started crying lightly. "Oh my god, I'm so happy this day has finally come. You found your other half, my sweet boy!" I nodded and hugged her back. "Anyways, I've gotta get ready! He and I have a date tonight." I smiled and ran up the stairs to my room. When I got into my room, I quickly showered, then put on a muscle shirt and a pair of camo cargo shorts. I quickly brushed my teeth, put on deodorant and ran out of my room. 

When I got downstairs, my parents smiled. "Alright! See you guys later!" I ran out the door and headed towards the meeting place with my mate.


Lucas P.O.V

When I saw my mate leave, I felt cold. I wanted him back with me to make me feel warm... I sniffed his sweater and took in our scent. Finally, I felt a little warmer and took out my phone. 

I dialled my mother's number, and it started ringing. "Hey, Mom! Just making sure you can pick me up!" 

"Of course! I'm almost at the doors."

 I smiled and hung up before running to the front doors. I saw Ajax getting into his car with Jackson and Tristan when I arrived. I let out a sigh as I smiled. He was the picture-perfect mate. I can't believe how lucky I got...

I suddenly saw my Mom's car pull up, and I quickly ran out and got in the car. She looked at me and smiled. "Where'd you get this sweater?" I blushed, and a smile crept onto my face. "I-It m-m-may b-be my... mate's..." Her eyes lit up, and she let out a scream of joy. "Oh, my god!! Baby, that's amazing!! Tell me all about him while we drive!" She started driving, and I felt warm. "W-well... He's tall, extremely muscular, an alpha werewolf and his voice is like a symphony of the most beautiful sounds in the world!" She let out another happy high, pitched scream. "Oh my god! He sounds perfect; I need to meet him soon!" I nodded. "For sure! But tonight, he and I have a date, so I'll meet up with him, alright?" She nodded, and I smirked as I thought about him. 

When we got home, I ran out of the car and downstairs to my bedroom. I ran into the bathroom, did my business, brushed my teeth, took a shower and put on deodorant. Then, I ran to my suitcase and put on a light grey T-shirt and black shorts when I got out. I looked at my body in the mirror and felt a fuzzy feeling before putting his sweater back on. 

I felt the sweater's soft fabric on the skin of my arms, and his scent intoxicated my nose. I can't wait to see my mate and for him to hold me in his arms!" I quickly ran upstairs and ran out the door. I was so excited that I forgot to put on my shoes and started running to the lake.

Hey Yall! I hope you enjoyed this chapter; please don't forget to vote and comment, as it helps a ton! Thank you! :D

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