Chapter 9

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Lucas P.O.V

I woke up with a smile on my face. I remembered yesterday and how loving Ajax was. He's too good for me; I don't feel I deserve him... I sighed and got up before entering the bathroom and getting ready for school. When I got out, I threw off my towel and walked to my closet. I finally got around to setting up my room last night.

I heard a knock at my door and gasped. "Yeah?" The door suddenly opened, and my heart dropped as I saw Ajax standing there with lustful eyes as he leered at my naked body. "A-Ajax!" I shouted, and he closed the door before turning away. "S-sorry..." I quickly slipped some tight boxer briefs on and grabbed a pair of red shorts and a pink shirt from my closet, putting them on. He looked back at me and smirked. "Mmm, what'd I'd love to do to that body..." I looked at him and giggled. "Sorry, but you can't have it yet..." I smiled and moved closer to him. He growled seductively, and I gave him a dirty smirk. 

He pulled me closer and placed a passionate kiss on my lips. I deepened the kiss, and he began feeling my body.

He moved his hands up and down my body, leaving no inch untouched.

I looked away in embarrassment as he felt my slender figure. "A-Ajax..." He growled with lust as he continued feeling my body. "How could you look so ashamed of yourself when your body is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." I gazed into his red eyes as they filled with lust.

We made our way to the bed; he laid me down and got closer.

He positioned himself between my legs before pulling off my shirt and observing his property.

I shuttered in anticipation as he thought of everything he wanted to do to me.

"My love... I want to see everything about you... please pull down your shorts..."

I knew that, at this point, Ajax was far gone and wanted to explore every inch of me. I reluctantly did it, and he began unbuttoning his shirt. I watched his eyes examine every part of my naked body, yearning to reach and touch every crevice. He slowly ran his hand into his shorts as he observed my frail body, just his for the taking to do anything he wanted to it.

He pulled his shorts down, causing me to gulp as he revealed his member.

"A-Ajax, I don't think I'm ready..."

He gave a devious smirk. "don't worry, my love, I just want to feel your body..." He let out a possessive growl as he felt my body with his left hand while stroking himself with his right.

"Everything about you is desirable little wolf... Your supple frame, your precious face, even your pretty nipples." I felt my manhood stiffen up past what I ever thought was possible and began stroking it.

He watched me with a burning desire as I slowly stroked myself while eyeing his stiff manhood.

He began picking up speed as he felt my thighs up and down, just yearning to capture a glimpse of my hole, which I reluctantly obliged to do.

I pushed my lower body closer to him, and at this point, his member was mere inches away from mine. I felt the heat radiating off his body as I gyrated against him, begging us to touch.

"You don't know how often I've stroked myself to the thought of your trembling body, just wishing I could fill you with my seed..." I gulped as he said that.

If he wanted to take me right here and now, I don't know if I'd even want to stop him. His sensual aura made me feel warm and alluring.

He let out a small moan as he picked up his pace.

Slowly, Ajax glided his left hand down my thigh towards my hole. His finger slowly circled the rim of it, and it made my entire body twitch with pleasure.

"I'm not sure how long I can last, little wolf..." I gulped and nodded as I prepared for his seed to paint my body. I was his canvas, as I knew I belonged to him...

His eyes fixated on my hole as he stretched and lightly played with it, picking up the speed of his strokes.

He began positioning himself closer to me to view my body better before he expelled his seed all over it.

"Oh fuck, here it comes, baby..." Suddenly he began shooting thick ropes of seed all over my stomach. I let out a small moan as I began shooting my seed toward his.

My body squirmed as he continued pouring his thick, dense cum all over me.

When we finished, he scanned my entire body as I lay before him in complete submission. His eyes pierced into mine, and I knew exactly what he wanted to do. It was his way of saying that he may be unable or unwilling to hold back the next time and that he won't be able to control the burning fire within.

I gripped the hanging side of his unbuttoned shirt and gravitated toward his lips. Meeting our lips with an explosion of pleasure. He closed his eyes and wrapped his left arm around my back while the right one continued stroking out what was left of his seed. I knew that the next time, I wouldn't be able to hold back.

He slowly separated from me and grabbed the towel hanging off the side of my bed, and began cleaning me off, continuing to claim every inch of my body with his eyes. I watched as he gently wiped each bit of seed off me. When he finished, he threw the towel to the side and placed a sensual kiss above my navel.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It got a bit hotter than the others, but I promise... you'll have to wait for the entire thing as this was just a tiny preview of what's to 'cum' ;)

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