Chapter 14

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Lucas P.O.V

I woke up to the sunlight directly assaulting my face. I groaned and went to get up but heard a growl and arms tighten around me. "Ajax, I need to go to the bathroom." Again, he groaned before letting go of me. I quickly rushed into the bathroom, did my business, and returned. 

"So, what's your plan today, little wolf?" I smiled. "Well, Cole's been begging me to go for a run, so I thought maybe we could do a race!" He smirked and sat up. "You think you can beat me? You're far too clumsy." 

"Oh yeah, we'll see about that," I smirked back before crawling onto the bed and sitting on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his jaw sensually. He growled in approval and slowly rubbed his hands up and down my back. 

As he stayed like that, we suddenly heard a frantic knock at the door. "What?!" Ajax said, frustrated. Suddenly Tristan busted in and quickly closed the door behind him. "There's a fucking problem!" He looked like he had seen a ghost. "What's going on?" Ajax said, ready to fight. 

"I-I found my mate..." Ajax snickered and stared at him. "So, why is that a problem?" He groaned and sunk to the floor. "It's Jackson!" We both grew wide-eyed and started laughing. "This isn't funny! We're both dominant, and he's stronger than I am!" I slowly got off Ajax and went to comfort Tristan. "It's alright, trust me, it will all work out!" I smiled, and he groaned. "You say that, but he's looking for me right now! He said he's going to fuck the shit out of me!" Ajax smirked before getting up as well. "Welp, this would be a good time to go buy some lube." Tristan looked up with horror in his eyes and whimpered. "Oh my god, I'm so done for." 

I giggled and helped him up. "Well, why not go find him and tell him you aren't ready yet." He sighed and shook his head. "That's probably my only option." I nodded and smiled. "Have fun!" He groaned before opening the door and walking out. 

I looked at Ajax, and he had an evil grin on his face. "Oh, he stands no chance. Jackson has been dreaming of this day since he was young." I smirked and walked over to him. "Thank god, I got the best mate in the world." He let out a growl of approval before pulling me closer to him. "Now, let's get ready to go for a run. Cole can't last another second." Again, he smirked before we began shifting. Once we shifted, I realized how big his wolf was compared to mine. He towered over me and walked toward the opened door. He gestured for me to go through, and I walked past him with dumb confidence. 

We quickly ran down the stairs until his mom stopped us. "Oh hell no, you guys can't be running around this house in shifted form. I just cleaned the floors, and I don't need all this fur-" Ajax's father suddenly cut her off. "Oh, come on, my love. They're just going for a run. I remember when we would sneak out late at night to explore..." His father smirked, and she rolled her eyes. "Fine, don't track in any mud, or the three of you are dead. We quickly ran out, and once we got outside, I sat down, as did Ajax. 

"Are you ready to lose, little wolf?"  He mind linked me, and I nodded. 

"Last one to my house has to carry the other home," I shouted, and he shook his head.

"You're that confident? You can't even lift my arms off of you."

Suddenly I started bolting it, and he followed behind me with a growl. I started moving through the trees incredibly fast, but he stayed on my tail. 

I admired the forest's quiet beauty as I felt the wind on my face. I felt completely free. I looked back at my mate to see he wasn't behind me anymore. I quickly looked around and noticed he was far ahead. I growled and started to pick up the speed. How could I have let my guard down so much!? 

I finally caught up to him, and we were tied as my house came to view. I tried my hardest to speed ahead, but the fatigue I felt from my short burst prevented me. He started pulling forward slightly, and I whimpered as we got closer. Suddenly I felt a small burst of energy and pulled ahead at the last second. When we got there, we stopped, and he tackled me to the ground. We both unshifted, and he laid beside me while I smirked. 

"This is bullshit. I had you." Ajax pouted before looking away, embarrassed. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close. "You almost had me." I stuck out my tongue, and he smirked before grabbing it. "One of these days, this thing's going to get you in trouble..." Again, I giggled when he let go. I quickly pushed my lips against his, pulling him into a passionate kiss. When we finished, I looked away with a smile. "You talk too much." We both started laughing lightly before he got up. "Well, a deal's a deal. However, I don't know how you'll handle everyone seeing that beautiful body..." My eyes grew wide as I had almost forgotten I was naked.

"Perhaps I-I should grab some clothes-" He suddenly picked me up, causing me to yelp. "Oh no, I wanna see that beautiful body of yours for a bit longer..." He started walking, and I let out a whimper. "You want everyone to see me? Are you sure you want some of the unmated wolves to see your mate in such a vulnerable position?" I smirked, and he growled. He put me down. "Well then, thank god I left some spare clothes the last time we were here." I giggled as we began walking back to the house.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next chapter will be something special! ;3

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