Chapter 13

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Ajax P.O.V 

When we got into my car, I admired my mate's beauty. He was wearing my clothes and my ring. I could smell our scents mixing, and it made me feel warm.

"So, I never asked you, but where in the pack do you guys rank...?" He asked quietly. I froze for a moment, realizing I never even told him that I was the future Alpha.

"Well, I'm the future Alpha..." I slowly said while driving. I heard Lucas gasp as he looked at me. "W-why didn't you tell me!?" I smiled as he buried his face into the sleeves of my sweater. "I'm sorry, my love. Lately, all I've been able to think about is you... will you forgive me?" He groaned. "I'm not mad at you. I'm just way more nervous now!"

"Baby, don't be nervous. As future luna of the entire pack, you're important to them." He froze up again. "I-I forgot about that part..." I could see him bite his bottom lip, and we slowly drove further to my house. 


Lucas P.O.V

I can't believe he never told me that he was an alpha... Oh my god, what if the pack thinks I'm weak!

Ajax looked at me, and he could tell I was distressed. He slowly grabbed my hand into his, and I got closer to him. I buried my face into his arm, and he smiled. "You're too adorable." I glared at him. "I am not!" I pouted. I stayed glued to his arm throughout the drive until we finally pulled up to a large house. I gulped as the car came to a stop and turned off.

I felt like I couldn't move... I felt a special kind of fear that I'd never felt before. A cold feeling radiated through my body like a blizzard, and I started to let down small tears. Ajax pulled me on top of him, and I wrapped my arms around him before nuzzling into his chest.

"Little Wolf, listen to me, alright? You won't leave my side; I'll be with you all night. They will love you, and the pack will be fascinated with you. You're the best mate anyone could ever ask for, and your beautiful wolf is one of the fastest I've seen." He slowly whispered as he rubbed my back. I nodded and lifted my head to kiss him quickly. "Alright, now, let's get in there. Tristan and Jackson are already waiting for us." I smiled as I heard their names. At least I'd see some familiar faces, and it made me feel better.

He opened the door, and I got out, as did he. I took one last deep breath before he wrapped his arm around my neck, and I cuddled into him. Then, we walked up to the front door, and when it opened, I felt like I was about to die.

"Oh my god! You must be Lucas!!" A woman looked at me and smiled. "Oh wow, he is adorable!" She came up and hugged me, causing me to smile. "My name is Luna Anna. I'm Ajax's mother." I nodded nervously, and she examined me. "I can see why my son is so happy with you. You look like a runner." Again, I nodded and nervously smiled. Then suddenly a man came to the door. He was a little shorter than Ajax but still pretty muscular. I gulped as he made his way out. He extended out his hand, and I nervously shook it. "My name's Dustin. I'm the alpha and Ajax's father." I nodded and cuddled into Ajax a bit. "It's alright to be intimidated; I am rather big, but don't worry, as future luna to our pack, you are our honoured guest tonight." I smiled, and Ajax leaned down. 

"See?" I kissed him on the cheek, and we walked into the house. When we got in there, we were greeted by Jackson and Tristan sitting on the couch and talking. "Hey! Glad you guys could finally make it!" Tristan then sniffed the air, looked at us and smirked. "So, Ajax got a bit restless before you guys came?" I gasped as my eyes widened. "N-No!" suddenly, Jackson and Tristan started laughing before Ajax's mom came up. "Ajax, give the poor boy a break. He's scared to mate with you, for god's sake." I smiled and nodded nervously. "You don't know the half of it..." I let out, causing everyone to laugh. Ajax leaned down and nibbled my ear lightly. "My love, I promise that if you end up staying with me tomorrow night, I'll make it the best night of your life." He said with a low growl.

My lip quivered as I thought about what he said. Was I ready? "I-I still don't know... I wanna stay with you tomorrow night, but I don't know if I'm ready yet..." He smiled and got behind me to hug me. "Don't worry, little wolf, I won't force you to mate." Ajax's mother smiled at us. "You guys are too adorable." I smiled nervously. "You two go upstairs. We'll have dinner ready shortly." Ajax nodded, and we started walking upstairs.

When we got to his room, it was huge! I looked at ajax, and he smirked as he walked over to his king-size bed. "Now, let's cuddle." He got onto the bed and gestured for me to join him with a smirk. I smirked back before running over to him and jumping onto him. We laughed as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "Mmm, I love your scent..." He nuzzled his head into my neck and pressed his body against mine. 

I let out a small whimper, and he chuckled. "My love, I've told you before, when you make such attractive noises, It gets harder to control myself..." I giggled. "You're too horny for your own good." He growled. "Thankfully, you're skilled with your mouth..." I gasped and heavily blushed. He chuckled and flipped me around, so I was facing him. "Don't worry, for now, all I wanna do with your mouth is this..." He pulled me into a kiss, making sure to stick his tongue in. We made out for a while until he heard his mother call us. 

He broke the kiss and groaned before getting up. "After eating, we're coming back to cuddle for the entire night." I smiled and got up. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I gave him a quick peck on the lips and held his arm as we walked downstairs.

When we got downstairs, I sniffed the air, and the most mouth-watering smell hit my nose like a train. "Oh my god, that smells amazing!" I smiled and quickly let go of Ajax's arm to sit at the table. His mother laughed and looked at him. "Well, I think we found something he loves more than you." Everyone, including me, laughed except for Ajax, who rolled his eyes and sat beside me. "Don't worry. I fed him before coming." Ajax let out. I gasped as my eyes went wide, and everyone started laughing. I buried my face into his chest and smacked his arm. "You asshole!" I pouted. He smirked and put his hand on my leg. "Don't worry, Lucas, we know he's talking about a tiny snack," Ajax growled as Jackson and Tristan started laughing. I smirked at Ajax and kissed him on the cheek. "Ajax is very sensitive about his small snack," I said, causing everyone to laugh. He looked at me with lustful eyes. "I'll show you just how small it is." He muttered, and I smiled before cuddling into him.

Before we knew it, the table was filled with fantastic food like chicken, potatoes, carrots, stuffing, ham, buns, and many more. I looked at the food with wide eyes. "Since you're our future luna, you can grab your food first." She looked at me, and I smiled before grabbing a plate and getting some food. Soon Ajax followed, as did everyone. "Eat up, guys. I cooked for six werewolves." 

We began eating and talking. Ajax put his hand on my thighs and started slowly rubbing them while we ate. I tried ignoring it, but his touch felt like electricity, making it harder to focus on anything but him.

Once we finished eating, we all put our plates in the sink, and Ajax picked me up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, my mate and I have some unfinished business." my eyes grew wide as he began carrying me up to his room. When we got up the stairs, away from everyone, he smirked. "So, I'm sensitive about my 'small snack?" I giggled. "I was just joking, big wolf." He smirked as we walked into his room. "Well, I'm still going to have to punish you." I bit my bottom lip as he kicked the door closed behind him. He walked me over to the bed.

I gasped as he threw me, and he got on top of me when I landed. "How am I going to punish you..." He said evilly. I giggled as I pulled his face closer to mine. "Why don't you make sure I can't talk for a while..." I suggested, and he smirked. "I think that'll have to do for now." He then pressed his lips into mine and stuck his tongue into my mouth. I let out a small moan as he put one hand on my ass and the other on my hip. I pressed myself against him, and he growled in approval. 

He broke the kiss and smirked. "I love you, little wolf..." I smiled and cuddled my face into his neck. "I love you too, big wolf." 

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