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•2 days later•

•Rachel's pov•

I got the police involved in the search for Finn. I'm not risking myself or anyone else in danger.
We were currently in Lima making our way to the old wear house.

When we got there the police made sure the place was safe and clear. Once they knew it was safe they barged through the door open and put their guns up.

•Finns pov•

I was waiting desperately for Rachel to come. I guess she doesn't care right? I was about to eat some more of my food when I hear almost silent foot steps.

Then a few moments later the police showed up kicking the door open and putting their guns up. I started smiling very wide! I'm free, I get to tell Rachel the one thing that has been on my Mind.

All the workers Jesse hired left so there is no one to arrest. Then I see a small body push threw the police officers and make their way to me.

R: Finn!
F: Rachel I'm so sorry!
R: There's nothing to be sorry about.

F: I should have helped you with Stacy and not let her walk all over you. How's the baby?

R: *starting to cry* Umm the baby died. I'm sorry, I should have protected it.

I felt my whole world come cashing down right in front of me. At this moment Rachel and I need each other most.

I brought her to my chest and let her sob. I let out a few tears and sniffles but tried to be strong for Rachel. She look up at me and took her hands to my cheek and kissed me.

The kiss was passionate and something we both needed. She pulled away and looked deeply in my eyes. I knew it was my turn to show my affection to I kissed her again with just as much passion.

We pulled away and just hugged. We didn't have to say anything because there was nothing to say.

As much as we both hate to admit it we love each other. No matter how much pain we've been through we loved each other. When I'm with Rachel she brings the best out of me.

And that's the story of how I feel in love with the person I hated the most.

The end

I'm so sad now!
Don't work I will make a new book!
I'm working on one right now.
For my future books do you want me to do:


" " Rachel said.
" " Finn said.

You chose!

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