Ancient history

406 11 11

10 years earlier

The end of the May was usually the time when students, at least some of them, were getting ready for exams. That didn't stop them from having fun though. While there were a handful of people staying inside their dorm rooms with books, most of them were spending the warm evening outside.

Saeko leaned on her elbows, enjoying the first rays of sunshine, and trying to catch as much warmth as she could. "Do you guys think I would get better grades if I wore a short skirt for the exams?" She pondered out loud, but her comment didn't surprise anyone.

"You would get better grades if you actually studied." Akiteru didn't even raise his head from the notebook he was reading, uncomfortably sitting against an old tree.

"I do!" Saeko yelled before she took a can of beer and took a three long sips. As she was finished, Keishin took it from her hands and did the same thing. "That was mine." She said, but generously waited until he was finished before she yanked the can out of his hands.

"Banging on the drums doesn't count as studying." Akiteru pointed out, not caring much about his two friends.

Saeko scrutinized his figure before slowly crawling up to his side. "You have really nice notes." She said innocently, finally making the blonde look at her.

"No." He said, making the girl pout.

"Come on, I will buy you a dinner." She whined, but after remembering the state of her wallet, she changed her mind. "Or a beer. Yeah, I can buy you a beer."

"You would drink it yourself." Keishin pointed out with a low, raspy laugh. But nonetheless, he also started to pay attention to the notebook that his friend was holding.

"Again, no. You could pay at least a little bit of attention to what teacher is saying and note. It's really not that hard."

"But it is!" Saeko sighed dramatically, leaning on the tree next to him. "If the classes weren't this boring, I would pay attention."

"You've slept through the whole class today, so how do you know that the lesson was boring?" Akiteru's comment made Saeko look at him with a disappointment, while Keishin took the beer can from her hand and started drinking again.

"Hey, that's mi-" Saeko started, but a loud voice interrupted her.

"No drinking on the school grounds! You know the rules!"

"It's not mine..." The girl quickly got to her feet, pulling Akiteru along. He almost fell when she yanked him upwards, but managed to start running, grasping the notebook tight in his hand. Keishin followed them closely, but he quickly was left behind.

Saeko turned around, just to see him getting caught by not-so-young security guard.

"What an idiot! He can run faster than me." She mumbled but didn't stop until she reached the dorms. As they were already inside the elevator, Akiteru looked at her with confused look.

"May I know why the hell you just dragged me here? I wouldn't be in trouble since I wasn't drinking."

Saeko took a deep breath, not used to running, especially when her stomach felt heavy from the beer. "Well, you come in package with the notes, so I just wanted to make sure that both of you are safe."

"What about Keishin?" The blonde asked, still confused.

"He's a second year, so he knows how to handle situations like this. Or at least I hope he does..." Saeko seemed nonchalant, but as soon as the elevator door opened, she ran into her room that was fortunately on the side of the courtyard they were just moments ago. "Shit, they're gone." She said, looking out the window.

The Art of Bad Choices | Haikyuu College (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now