Chaper One

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{Dear Mikey}

Ilana's Pov

"The Day daddy comes home, I will wear the red dress" Ira giggles, I stop folding the laundry and look at her my innocent flower, I want nothing more but to see you smile and laugh till your heart's content with so much joy you can barely handle that is what I want for you, only problem is that I know her only wish is to spend time with her dad and I will fulfil that wish. I quickly pick her up and spin her around.

"And I'm sure your dad will love the dress on his princess" I say putting her down, my phone rings on the bed and I rush to pick it up.

"Ithan how can I help you" I ask smiling as soon I see who's calling.

"Sunshine will you please meet me for lunch this beautiful afternoon" he asks, I roll my eyes at the change of accent.

"I'm quite busy today, and Ira is home today and she wants to have some quality time together" I reply as I continue to fold the laundry.

"Bring her along sunshine, I have something very important to tell you" he whispers the last part.

"But-" he interrupts me
"Starbucks at 2, see you later" and then he cuts the call the audacity of this man.

I finish folding and then pack, get Ira ready and then we leave to see Ithan, who find already sitting and drinking a cup of coffee when we arrive. He smiles widely when he sees us.

"Ira" he rushes over and picks her up and here I thought I was the one who was missed first.

"You know, you could have just said you wanted to see Ira" I say as I take a sit, Ithan sits with Ira on his lap these two have an unbreakable bond.

"Sunshine are you jealous" he teases I roll my eyes.

"Oh please, we slept in the same bed when we were young, I've had my fair dose of you" I say.

"If you weren't scared to sleep alone Miss, we probably would have had our own rooms" he fires back playfully.

"Whatever, so what is it that my lovely brother wants to tell me" I ask squinting my eyes at him.

"Well... I met a woman-" I cut him off with a gasp "before you start, let me finish" he rolls his eyes and sits back

"-she's amazing, we've been talking for a few months now and honestly this whole thing is scary" he says, I smile at him, the thing is at some point in his life Ithan thought he was gay, found it difficult to figure out his sexuality but then he discovered he wasn't gay and that he was into women but then again Ithan has a horrible record when it comes to relationships.

"You think she's the one?" I ask, he slowly nods I smile brightly at him

"Then you should express your feelings for her, this was the exact situation with Michale and I we both fell for each other after three months of knowing each other" I say, I look down at my wedding ring then back at Ithan who stares back at me.

"You don't have to hide it from me, you know, I know you and you know I know that you're not doing fine" I look up to avoid the tears from falling down.

"It's my fault my marriage is falling apart and it's not only affecting me but Ira as well I-I don't know what to do anymore"

"Don't you ever blame yourself for what's happening, you've already done that enough, you can't do this to yourself your whole life, think about Ira, your happiness matters and so does hers and if this marriage is draining you, then leave... I'm not about to lose my only sister to stress" I laugh at the last part, he smiles.

"Thank you Ithan" I say.

"Anytime sunshine" after that we spoke for some time catching up.

"Well it's time for us to go and keep me updated on this woman, I'd love to meet her, at least tell me her name"

"Uhm...her name is Annah" he says.

"Annah and Ithan" I wink and at him, and grab Ira and we leave.

We got into the house and I immediately began on making dinner for Ira and I. Usually if Michale ever came, I'd just give him my share as he would have come home unexpectedly. Why I choose to remain in a marriage where I know I'm not wanted or needed anymore is beyond me, all I know is that I'm not ready to leave.

My marriage with Michale is one that everyone was against from the very beginning, no one wanted me with him, everyone thought that he would hurt me or that he wasn't good enough for me or vise versa , but the love I have for him was enough to show people that whether they liked him or not, I'd choose him a million times. If someone were to ask me why I choose to stay in a marriage where my husband stays with his mistress and barely comes home, my answer to that would be, everyone has a choice, he chooses to break and I choose to pick up the pieces.

Once I'm done cooking I call Ira, who rushes to open the door first before coming to me.

"Daddy!" she squeals loudly, I walk out of the kitchen to the door and there he is with Ira in his arms, he doesn't even glance at me. I'm just happy to see Ira's eyes light up.

"Princess, you've grown so big since I last saw you" he says spinning her around, I just stand quietly and watch them.

"I didn't know you were coming, are you staying for dinner?" I finally ask he looks up at me and just nods.
I rush to the kitchen to dish for all of us, and then call them both to the dining table. We eat silently with of course Ira chatting her dad's ears off. I look at him from across the table and notice that he still has his ring on, glad he still respects our marriage enough to wear the ring, he looks up and catches my eyes on his finger and shakes his head.

"Ira, go prepare your room so that I can read you a bed time story" Ira squeals and quickly runs to her room. He clears his throat but I don't look up, I continue to eat my food, he clears his throat again, this time I look up and he hands me a brown envelope, I look at the envelope confused to what's inside. I look at him for an explanation.

"Those are divorce papers" he says

__________(diverselyunique) __________

That's the first chapter what do you guys think? Please comment and vote and give your feedback it would be really appreciated, hope you enjoyed the beginning of the end stay tuned for chapter two.

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