Chapter 10

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I might be mad in love with you
Even hide all the pain I've been through
But I'm still hurting
~Seasons by Lloyiso

Trigger warning: Mention of blood

Day 9: Loss

"Was she any trouble?" I ask Ithan.

"Ira could never be a problem" Ithan scoffs at me and I laugh, he's not lying Ira has to be the easiest kid to ever take care of.

"I've been thinking" I begin, he looks at me "About Mickey" he looks down.

"I want to go and see him... I mean I know I do see him often but I want to go see him with Ira and Michale as a family" I finally and he walks up to me and holds my chin.

"You can't go with someone who thinks it was you who killed your son, you can't go with someone who treats you and your daughter like trash and you won't go with someone who until today never even bothered to hear your explanation, left you and moved on like it never happened, No. " he says getting agitated, I hold his hands in mine.

"But-but I can go with Mickey's father... Yes I was never given the chance to explain- and-you know I don't blame him, he was and is still grieving and-"

"Oh and so you weren't? Ilana if there's one person who went through it all, it's you... Michale wasn't the one who had a child die in his arms and he most certainly did not give birth on the same day he lost a child and then he was not expected to pickup the pieces because he had just given birth, no but you did" he vents out, I hold back the tears as I get hit by the flashbacks, my heart starts to ache.

5 years ago

Driving during this time is a bit difficult, I look at my rear window and watch Mickey sing along to the song playing on the radio I smile.

"Mickey Boy, where did you learn this song from " I ask him he squeals

"Daddy always plays it in his car" he says shyly, I laugh "And you like it" he nods and continues singing this time I join him.

"Do you know why daddy listens to this song" I ask him, I watch him shake his head through the rear window, I smile thinking about it "This was our wedding song" I say parking in near the salon, avoiding a long walking distance.

"I'm so inlove with you, and I hope you know" I sing along to the song.

"Make sure you exit through the other side there's cars on this side" I say exiting the car, collecting him on the other side, holding his hand and crossing the road to the other side, I enter the salon with a very bouncy Mickey next to me.

"Good morning Mrs Roberts, here to do the usual or something different"

"The usual wash please" Mickey runs off to play with the other kids by the play area, I sit down and call Michale but he beats me to it.

"I was just about to call you" I say smiling, rubbing my very round belly.

"But I always beat you to it, so how's my lovely wife and the little one" he asks.

"We are perfect just about to wash my hair and I know you said I should wait for you to come back home because I'm not supposed to be driving but it was just a 5 min drive from home"

"I knew you weren't going to listen anyways you can be abit impatient, call Mickey for me" I call Mickey and he comes running and I hand the phone to himm

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