Chapter three

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Dear Mikey boy

I miss you so much, you have no idea how much I miss you, I take each day as it is and live by the memories I have of you but surely one day we will be reunited.

Mama bear


"I knew that if I failed I wouldn't
regret that but I knew the one thing
I might regret is not trying"

-Jeff Bezos

Ilana's Pov
(Play Still have me by Demi Lovato)

"I'll be here tomorrow" are the words he said to me, not clearly sure if he meant he was accepting the condition or he'd just be here. Ithan was coming for dinner today which was a horrible idea because he doesn't like Michale at all, well at least he used to. Michale and Ithan had been really close like brothers, I had admired their relationship really they were inseparable.When Michale started to drift away, I tried so hard to hide it from Ithan to avoid a second relationship from getting damaged as a result of ours but it became tiring having to cover my face like an edit to avoid Ithan from seeing the puffed eyes, the dark circles and the emptiness in my eyes, But blood will always know.

In the beginning crying had become a hobby for me of course I had to hide away from Ira not being able to face her after an episode of crying thinking about it now it still hurts I had no choice to pick up the pieces on my own I realised I was being selfish in thinking about my feelings only because during that period when I felt lost I had forgotten there was someone who needed and depended on me...Ira.

Never in million years did I think that I'd be here when we got married I meant every single vow I made to him, our lives might have not been perfect but every moment was beautiful when we were happy. I'd be lying if I said I didn't know why things were the way they are, it takes all of me to not have flashbacks from that day, one would think that he had recently started drifting away, it's been five years, five years of a marriage to myself.

Michale and I met first year of university, he was what we normally call the nerd but one that was wild compared to me, I was one who prefered to be indoors never wanting to be bothered.

Today is the tomorrow. Ithan picked Ira earlier on, he talked about spending time with Ira and bonding, those two are obsessed with each other, I decide since there's nothing to do that I start on dinner the thought of having Michale here full time everyday it brings a foreign emotion.

I begin cooking, I think making dessert would be nice, we haven't had anything sweet in a while now I might not be able to cook a storm in the kitchen but I can bake a storm that's for sure I've always loved to bake it's always been in the family and I'm hoping that Ira one day would love to learn a few things from me. What I realised is that Ira has more of Michale in her than me, she's picky when it comes to food, she's allergic to any sauce and also she loves to be in the kitchen just like Michale. Today I'll make a chocolate cake full on chocolate.

"I'm here" someone says and I mistakenly drop the whisk on the floor "Ahh ducks" I curse, I hear a silent chuckle but it's gone before I turn to look at him at the entrance of the kitchen, I just stare at him.

"Where's Ira" he asks.

"Ithan" Is all I manage to say, he nods and nods and nods, I just stand there and stare "Who told you about my engagement" my heart drops at the mention of the engagement, I've always promised myself that no matter what, when it came to his infidelities I wouldn't show him how much it affected me, I'd rather fake a smile or a laugh. I look up at him.

"No One" I say, I decided not to tell him and just say whatever came to my mind "I found it out myself" I turn around to continue with what I was doing, picking up the whisk, rinsing it and finishing what I was doing.

"I accept your condition" he says, I stop what I'm doing and look at him "I'll stay in this house for 30 days and after that you'll sign the papers and we'll go our separate ways" he says, he folds his arms across his chest, and looks at me expecting a response from me but then I don't say a word and just nod. I ignore the ping I felt when he said "this house" that's all it is to him a house.

"I don't know why you put out this condition but I want you to know, that while I'm here you will respect that I'm someone's fiance" and my husband, I wanted to say but I held myself back only because I don't want to talk to him any further, he turns and walks away.

Somewhere in between the baking and cooking Ira and Ithan returned, looking very happy but that happiness soon disappeared on Ithan's face and well Ira, her eyes lit up at the sight of her father. I knew by the way my brother looked at him, that it had been a bad idea to have them both in one place. As I fixed the dinning table, my eyes caught eyes with Ithan and I gave him a small smile, enough to ask him silently to not cause any drama this was all for Ira. I finally sit down and smile at Ira, who's happiness is written all over her face.

"Daddy do you know where Dad took me?" Ira says to Michale excitedly, Michale looks confused "Dad?" He asks looking at me, I look at Ithan.
"She calls Ithan Dad" I say simply, Ithan had to play a huge part, and since he was never there, Ithan allowed her to call him dad "But he's not her dad is he now, unless there's something you want to tell me" I look at him shocked, he can't seriously be implying that-

"How sick" Ithan spits, I look at him and shake my head, I look at Ira who's just looking at all of us.

"So where did you guys go? " and her eyes light up again.

"We went to the park and then we went to get ice cream and then back to the park" she says squealing. I smiled at her excitement, such an innocent soul and now I know why I'm doing this, to make the next 30 days be her happiest of memories.

Because that's all a mother could ever want.


The end of Chapter three thank you so much for reading and supporting I highly appreciate

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