Chapter Eight

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Day 8: Mechanic Princess

"Kayla I love you, and I promise I won't be late" I say ending the call, trust Kayla to call and check if I'm going to pitch up. I hear a knock on the door, I freeze. Someone clears their throat, I look at the door.

"Uhm... Ilana, can I come in" he asks, I look at myself in the mirror, in my dress which so happens to be difficult to zip up "Ilana, I need help" he speaks again.

I quickly grab the nearby towel and cover my back "Come in" I whisper, he slowly opens the door and walks in he stops walking and stares, I felt a slight of insecurity sip into me as I was under his gaze I cleared my throat and looked up at him.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, he snaps out it and clears his throat " you mind doing my tie"he asks, I nod and walk towards him, I stand infront of him and begin to tie but I stop... I walk to my closet and open a drawer and pull out a new pack of bow ties of different colours and walk back to him.

"I think this would be better, if you don't mind, what colour?" I ask in a whisper he looks down at my hands and then back at me "I don't know, you can choose" he says, I look down at the bow ties and pick out the color that almost matches his eyes and place it on his shirt fix it up silently and only when I'm done do I realise he had been staring intently at me.

"It almost matches your eyes" I say, giving him a small smile.

Unexpectedly he thanks me, as he begins to walk away I battle with my head and only finally speak up when he's about to close the door.

"Michale wait" he stops and I look at him awkwardly because of what I was about to ask of him.

"Please... My dress" I internally scold myself, I probably sound like a three year old still learning to speak, not trusting my voice to allow me to complete a sentence I resort to one word "Zip" he looks at me confused and then looks down at himself slowly making me giggle.

"No, not yours...mine" it takes him a second to realise what I was asking and then he mouth forms an 'O'. He walks towards me and I stand infront of the lengthly mirror, he walks over and slowly removes the towel, making me shiver at the slight coldness. He looks at me through the mirror "May I?" he says, asking for permission, I nod.

His fingertips touch my back slightly, and my heart rate picks up, he pulls my dress together and slowly zips it up, I watch him do so through the mirror and when he finally reaches the end I finally release a breath I didn't know I was holding, expecting him to turn and go he just stands behind me, studying me noting how close he was, I was so sure he could hear my heart beat through my chest.

"Thank you" I say, turning to avoid his eyes in the mirror only for things to get worse when we come directly face to face my green eyes meeting his blue, and with barely an inch away from each other, I could feel his hands snacking to the back of my waist, I stop breathing for a second and decide to come up with an excuse.

"We're going late" Again, my voice betrays me coming out as barely a whisper, seeming to come back to his sense he moves back making it feel as if I had pushed him, he goes out without looking back I look at myself in the mirror my face flushed completely, I let out a small smile and continue to dress up.


"Hopefully we won't be late, we have a fourty-five minute drive ahead of us" he says once we get onto the road, I look at the window and watch as the trees move as we pass by, I grab a bottle of water and take a sip.

"We won't be late, we going to miss the traffic" I say, then go back to looking out the window I play with my hands on my lap and realise something is off, I look at my hands and freeze.

"Oh no Michale turn back" He looks at me confused "Go back, my ring" I exclaim and he looks at me weirdly.

"We're already on the road, if we go back we'll come back to traffic" I look at him "Go back please"

"It's just one night you can survive without it and it doesn't mat-"

"Don't be a prick and don't try me Michale and turn back" he looks at me, amusement dancing on his lips.

"Okay" he says to my surprise and actually turns back, I take a deep breath.

He turns and drives back, after ten minutes he pulls up the driveway and stops, I quickly run upstairs into my room and on top of my dresser it layed.

"Thank God, I'm never removing you again" I say, putting it on, I walk back to the car, entering quietly and he drives off.

"Thank you" I say, feeling my heart become at ease.

"We're going to have to use another route, that one probably has traffic already" he says, turning a different direction, I just nod, if we're late I'll blame myself and Kayla would probably kill me and still cry at my funeral.

"So, I'm a prick" he says after some time, I look at him confused and then it hits me "I-II"
He chuckles lightly "I'm just pulling your leg"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that either way" I say feeling guilty.

But he was being a prick though

We drive through a secluded area.

"This place seems like a farming area" I say, he nods "It is, it's a longer way but we'll get there" I nod, I decide to open the window and watch the beautiful scenery of trees everywhere.

"I wouldn't mind, moving this side, it's peaceful, quiet and exactly what I need" I say, not thinking he'd actually be listening.

"I agree, when I'm old and have grey hairs with legs that can barely take me anywhere"

"What makes you think you're not old now" I ask playfully, he looks at me faking a hurt expression, earning a small laugh from me.

"Is this a way of saying I'm old?" he asks smiling , I shake my head "I was just playing" I say covering my mouth.

"Mhh you better have" he says, making me smile. And then soon enough the car goes silent, with my thoughts running wild asking questions that myself don't have answers to... Why is he being nice? Why does it feel like everything's okay? All of a sudden the car stops moving, making my train of thoughts stop, I look at him and watch as he cusses.

"What's wrong" I ask, he barely gives me a glance and says "Flat tyre"

"We're stuck" I say coming to a realisation, " Can't we change the tyre" I ask, stepping out of the car at the same time as him.

"I think I have an extra tyre in the back but where will I find someone to fix the tyre for us" he says looking around, I look at him.

"Why would we need someone to-Oh you don't know how to" I say remembering that this man is or was a city boy.

"Do you have tools as well at the back" I ask going to open the boot, looking inside " Yeah you do"

"You know someone around here to help us" he says, but quickly shuts up when he sees me removing my shoes and tying my hair into a bun.

"You're going to do it?" he asks surprised.

" I thought you didn't know how to"he finally says, I look up at him.

"Yeah well five years was more than enough for me to learn a couple of things" I say grabbing the tools.

"Help me" I say pointing to the tyre once we got it out, I looked at the punched tyre and sighed.

"You're going to get dirty" he states the obvious.

"Yeah well, I guess you can call me the Mechanic Princess"


Hope it's not too short, also I'm posting this on Christmas so Merry Christmas to you all!! Much love from me to your beautiful families and also if you're spending Christmas alone I hope this chapter made you smile abit.

Anyways stay tuned for the next chapter and don't forget to:

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Yours truly

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