Chapter Five

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Nothing can feel up the space
Won't ask you to stay but
let me ask you one thing
When did you fall out of love
~lyrics to a song

Day 2: Part of the deal

WAKING up the next morning was a hussle, waiting up all night for someone who I knew would never show up was a struggle. Slightly moving Ira slowly from my arms who as well insisted she stay up all night.
Going down the stairs I find him sleeping on the couch, I walk towards the direction of the kitchen to begin on breakfast, and to think of it, it really has been a long time since I last prepared breakfast for my family as a whole.

Just when I finish someone clears their throat, I turn around to find him standing leaning by the wall next to the door.

"Good morning" I say without looking at him "Good morning, you making breakfast?"

"I already have, are you having breakfast with us or?" I ask the last part in a whisper, he simply nods. I walk over to the table and place all the food that I made leaving Ira's share in the kitchen, I sit down and he follows and soon silence fills the room, with only the clicking of our cutlery.

"How come Ira is still asleep, she's usually up by this time" I look up at him and reply.

"I'm sure you'd also be tired after waiting for someone all night only for them not to show up, Michale is there a problem? Why can't you just keep your end of the deal?All I asked for was 30 days which already have become 28 days"

"A problem? Well yes there is, how come I was never told that, not going to work was also apart of the deal? And that I need to consult you to see my Fiance" he retarts back "This is one of the reasons why I'm leaving you because all you ever do is complain and blabber, blabber and blabber and just watch in a few seconds you'll start shedding tears that's all you ever do" he says, and my heart tightens and a lump slowly grows on my throat and I try to quickly swallow it in attempt to get rid of it, at this point I'm supposed to give up but the small smile that slowly develops on my lips makes it hard, I don't think he'll ever understand, I just have no tears left to cry, the only heart that exists at this point is the one that my daughter lives in.

"All I ask is that you don't direct your anger towards your daughter, insult me,hate me but love my daughter she's innocent in all of this" I stand up from the table but stop and turn to say "It's been five years, I'm not the same woman anymore, you've got alot to catch up to" and with that I walk away to wake my daughter up.

"Mommy" someone says as they walk down the stairs "Hey sweetheart"
"Is daddy here?" she asks with hope shining ever so bright in her eyes.
"Uhm, can go and join him for breakfast actually" and then she was gone, oh well.

Just then my phone vibrates in my back pocket
It's been a long time wanna hang out? xKayla

I smile at her attempt to get me out of the house, probably because I rarely ever go out, Kayla has to be one of my best friends, she's actually more of a sister than a friend we've been best friends since secondary school and so she pretty much knows everything about me, she's what I would call my human diary.

No can do but rain check? I've got a lot to tell you, you should actually stop by tomorrow xoxo- Ilana

Not more then 5 minutes she replies

You're pregnant

I gasp at her message, where's this coming from now, trust Kayla to go to the extreme of everything
As I'm about to type a message back I feel someone hovering behind me.

"You're pregnant? By who?" Michale asks, I turn around to face him
"That's none of your business and I'm not pregnant" I roll my eyes.

"I was quite shocked for moment" he says, I look at him, I don't know if I should be offended but I'm gonna hold my tongue.

"Anyways, I have an hour or two, so Ira and I are going to head out for some ice cream" he says, I just nod.

"Mommy please come" Ira says as she gestures for her father to pick her up.

"No, sweetpea you go and enjoy" I say not wanting to make it obvious to him that I don't want to be near him.
"It's just Ice cream and anyways, you can drive in your car as I won't be coming back home, I've got work so you can come back with her" he says, and here I thought he was actually making time for her.
"Yeah sure, I'll meet you guys there"


"One chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles and then two caramel apple ice-creams" Michale orders for all of us, surprisingly remembering our favorites.

"You still like caramel apple right?" he asks without looking at me, "Yeah"

"I didn't know you still ate it too" I say.

"I don't anymore, I haven't eaten it in years, Hannah has a strict diet that we've followed" I just nod, so no ice cream? What diet is that.

We receive our ice creams and begin to walk towards a park, Ira wanders off with her ice cream in her hand all the way to the swing, I smile as I watch her run towards the swing.

"She's growing bigger everyday" he says, probably his attempt to begin a conversation.

"Yeah, she's turning 5 soon" I say, "And I would like to throw her party to celebrate" I say, he just nods.

"Speaking of her what's going to happen with Ira after the divorce?" that makes my smile fade quicker than lightning and makes my ice cream have a distaste. I remain quiet when he speaks again "In terms of Custody, I don't mind taking her but I'd have to talk to Hannah and see how she feels raising-"

"She doesn't need to raise a child who's moth-mother is still alive, we'll cross the bridge when we get there" I say hastily, clearly annoyed at the thought of him asking another woman for permission to raise his own daughter.

"The bridge is pretty near" he says as he walks off towards Ira, probably to go and push her, I watch as he takes long strides towards her reaches her and starts to push her, from afar I smile as she laughs her heart out clearly happy, from afar someone would think I'm admiring a stranger and his daughter.

I know the bridge is near and it's melting my heart away quicker than the ice cream in my hand.


Let's play a mini guessing game:

The song lyrics above are from which song? Take your guesses in comment section

Secondly comment caramel apple only because it sounds weird, but it probably I said probably would taste good... Let's hope

If you've reached the end of this chapter thank you so much it means a lot, if you'd like to chat my pm is always open : )

Also I am now on social media mostly on Instagram @uniquebooks_wp I'll be posting trailers, teasers and maybe just maybe spoilers. Lastly don't forget to

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