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Day 18: Or maybe

"What do you think I should get for her" Michale asks me when he found me in the kitchen baking at three in the afternoon "what does she like" he asks.

"She likes anything pink, unicorns and recently developed the love for angels so maybe-wait... She's been wanting a doll house you can get her that or maybe a bicycle or-" I stop myself and realize I was rambling, he just smiles at me and shakes his head. He begins to walk towards me making my heart rate pick up.

"Or? Please do continue" he stands in front of me and places my hair behind my ear, and stares down at me.

"Ilana" he whispers.

"Uhm... Yes or... or..."I swallow slowly and take one step back and he follows.

"You've lost your voice huh" he smirks and quickly grabs me by the waist.

"n-oo" I breathe out frustrated that he finds pleasure in all of this, his smirk turns into a smile and he lets me go.

"I'm leaving for the office now, I'll pick you and Ira tomorrow for the birthday party at school" and he walks away, I place my hand on my chest and breathe out.

What just happened?

Day 19: Perfect

"Happy birthday to you...." her classmates sing out and Ira just sits there looking all shy, I look over at Michale who's filming the entire thing we make eye contact and in that moment everything felt unusually perfect. I look back at Ira and smile she looks at her dad and calls him to help her cut the cake, walking and holding the knife together I take pictures until the teacher takes the phone and pushes me to join. Walking to stand on the other side of Ira Michale moves closer placing his hand on the small of my back, I turn to look at him, seeming to be unaffected he smiles at the camera.

"Say cheese" I look back and smile.

"Cheese" that picture was definitely being framed.

The rest of the day was spent with smiles and only smiles, it's only when the evening hit did I realise what day tomorrow was, tomorrow marks five years without mickey, every year since he's been gone has been miserable but this year feels more different because Michale is present and maybe we'll even visit his grave together but that's just a ten percent chance.

"Penny for your thoughts" someone says behind me.

"Nope I take cash only" he chuckles and settles besides me "Ira's asleep?" he nods his head.

"She's exhausted she had a pretty eventful day, she was so happy it was a beautiful sight" I smile at what he just said because it means a lot.

"It was wasn't it? Michale thank you" he turns to me confused "For today you made sure everything went right and even going as far as ensuring she smiles the entire day"

"It is a father's duty after all, to make his daughter wear a smile always and to ensure no boy goes near her" I burst out laughing "Speaking of which there was a boy that was a bit too cl-" I push him playfully still laughing, this felt good.

"Tomorrow is her actual birthday and it needs to be perfect just like her" I whisper after our laughter had died down.

"She is perfect I mean after all my genes really have never failed me" I look at with an 'excuse you' face. "She looks exactly like me"

"That isn't exactly a lie, can I ask question" he nods his head looking ahead.

"That day with Hannah, how did it go, she doesn't know about the condition does she?" he sighs and looks straight ahead.

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