Chapter 15

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Day 20: Caught in the act

"I cannot believe you allowed that man into my house I'm definitely poisoning him" Kayla says as we finish up in the kitchen, I laugh.

"But I'm going to be civil for the sake of my baby, otherwise I would have long pushed him into the pool" I laugh out loud knowing very well that he would drown probably because the last time I checked he doesn't know how to swim or maybe now he does I mean I wouldn't know would I.

"You're being cruel but thank you Kay for being civil" I sigh "My heart feels so happy and usually it normally just feels heavy but-it doesn't and I feel so guilty" she drops what she's doing to come give me a hug.

"You don't at all have to feel guilty, your heart is slowly feeling at ease and is slowly accepting that it wasn't your fault, he was a very happy boy just know that, he knew he was loved and is still loved, but at some point we going to have to stop blaming ourselves and rather spend that time celebrating him" she breaks out of the hug and looks at me, wipes my tears and kisses my forehead. "Now let's go celebrate our princess, and you are bodying that pink swim wear" I laugh, letting her words sink in, she makes so much sense I haven't yet stopped blaming myself and have spent so much time crying and pointing fingers at myself that I forgot to even celebrate him.

We walk to the backyard where we see Michale chasing after the other kids in the water and Ithan by the braai stand. We place everything on the table and Kayla walks to Ithan with her pink blonde hair bouncing behind her and with the her hips swaying in the pink swim suit she's wearing , I watch as she laughs at something Ithan says they'd really look good together, as I'm analyzing someone picks me up causing me to squeal I look up and see Michale he walks to the pool and stands just at the edge and the kids start cheering for him to drop me into the pool, I look at him with pleading eyes.

"Please don't" he just smirks and they start the countdown.

"Mr Roberts please" I whisper in his ear and he looks into my eyes.

"One Mrs Roberts" and then I was thrown into the pool, when I come back up I look at him smirking feeling so proud of himself.

"I dare you to jump into the pool" I say to him "Can you even swim?" he looks at me offended and I laugh, the kids come out of the pool to go play with dough that was set up inside leaving Michale and I by the pool.

"I'm going to jump" he announces.

"Mr Roberts go ahead"

"I'm going to jump" I look at him getting all nervous, so he can easily throw me into the pool but cannot what? jump into the pool, I get out of the pool and stand next to him.

"What exactly are you measuring" I ask teasingly, he looks at me and I laugh.

"We can jump together" he side eyes me.

"I believe I can do it on my own" I roll my eyes at the confidence in his voice.

"Yeah sure whatever" I say looking ahead.

"On your mark-"

"On your mark Ilana?" he looks at me and laughs I shrug my shoulders isn't that what we're supposed to say? we countdown from five.

"One" We run and jump into the pool, I come up from under the water and start laughing and well him on the other hand seemed to swallow the water and so is choking.

"Did you jump into the pool with your mouth open" I laugh walking towards him, I get to him and start rubbing his chest and back still laughing, once he's fine he joins me in laughing, and without caution he grabs me by the waist and pushes me into him that stops my laughing.

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