Chapter 11

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"I'll be right back, you guys continue to eat" I say hurrying out for the bathroom in my bedroom, I quickly open the cupboard and look at the pills staring at me, I pull them out and lay them ontop of the bathroom counter.

"Ilana?" someone says from behind me, I quickly turn and look at him he looks on the counter and moves slowly towards me I watch him as he comes  slowly towards  me, he takes the pills from the counter and reads the bottle.

"Anti-depressants?" he whispers and looks up at me, our eyes meet "Since when" I just continue to look at me "Ila-"

"Don't." I lift my hand up and grab the bottle from his hands and move back from him "Why do you care" I look up at him, his face seeming a bit flushed, I look down expecting him to fire back like he always does he tries to move closer.

"Michale don't" I move further across the bathroom "I'm just trying to respect your one condition" I say smiling when he looks confused.

"Remember that I am someone's fiance" I quote.

"How long have you been taking them" he asks, I remain quiet looking and searching for an answer, I breathe out messing my hair.

"Long enough" I whisper and I try to walk out but he grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him, so close I can feel his breathe on my neck, I drop my eyes to the ground to avoid making eye contact with him.

"Please... Please just let me go" I whisper, he caresses my hair pulling softly and gently with each strand.

"I care about you Ilana" he whispers back "I always have and always will" my eyes get teary at his voice, I remove myself from his arms.

"You're only making it harder for me, stop" and with that I walk out.


"He's probably putting her to sleep" I say to Kayla over the phone.

"And how's everything? Your whole 30 days condition, is it working" She asks, I sigh "it's not isn't"

"No it's not" I feel tears building.

"Hey hey, don't cry now, it's fine-"

"No it's not Kay, it's just not working out" I say wiping my tears "I feel stupid for even putting up the condition"

"A mother who's desperate for her child and their father to be close is not stupid, you could have been selfish and thought about yourself and tried to fix your marriage first but your thoughts are with their relationship, Ilana not every woman would be willing to be in the same space as the person who they married and is doing what Michale is doing, you're strong lana" I breathed out and thought about her words, feeling much better.

"I know and you're right, sometimes I'm too hard on myself, I'll give it time thank you Kay"

"You're most welcome, I'd love to chat all night long and curse at Michale's a**  but I've got to go" I laugh at the amount of venom sipping through at saying his name, after a while, we cut the call and I go on to check on Ira who I find sound asleep in her bed, deciding that now is the perfect time to finish off some work, I work as a journalist but mostly I work from home and if anything needs my attention then I go to the office but which is on rare occasions, however I  also make money by baking, I make birthday cakes here and there when I have the time to.

I go downstairs where I find Michale also busy, with his head buried in his laptop, choosing not to disturb I plop down on the opposite couch and quietly work with only silence consuming us and the sound of rapid typing and my constant paging and typing.

"Thank you for putting Ira to sleep" I whisper so quietly I almost doubted he heard me but as he lifted his eyes to look at me and then the doubt goes away, he just nods going back to his laptop.

"She hates the dark" he says, stating the obvious "Like you" he finishes, still looking at the technology sitting on his lap, I keep quiet waiting for him to say more but when he doesn't I contemplate my reply.

"Yet she looks so much like you" I reply referring to their blue eyes and blonde hair, I see his lip quirk upwards abit, he looked even more like you, they both do... did  I feel urge to say but resist avoiding an argument from happening. "I'm sorry" I whisper, looking straight at him.

"For what?" he asks, for everything, deciding on going a different direction I say instead "For standing in the way-yy of your happiness" he clenches his jaw slightly "But I promise, as soon as it's over, I'll sign and we'll get people to make the process faster" I say, looking towards the wall behind him with our family picture with him.

"It looks like the in thing these days is to get married then divorced" I laugh softly, forgetting that I was talking to someone I look right at him, quietly watching me rant I touch my forehead and laugh "I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was-"

"It's fine" he says, I bite my lips hard before saying "And you only have 21 days left so that's a postive" I try to make things less tense by smiling, I begin to pack up standing up to leave he just stares, I check the time and my eyes widen at the time staring at me 01:05

"Actually it's past midnight so-"

"It's 20 days" He finishes up for me, I nod and run my hands through my honey blonde hair "Well then goodnight" I say leaving for bed only when I drop onto my bed do I let out a muffled scream.


Very short chapter I know, I'm really sorry I promise to do better.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter please do give tips if you think there's areas I need to improve on, otherwise, would you guys like a little glimpse into Michale's thoughts? If so comment down below.

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