Fans outside the house

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Harry: Harry's pounding into you when the fans outside start chanting his name. He groans against your collarbone, shifting backwards as you sit atop him. You chuckle softly as the chants grow louder, gasping when Harry slammed his hips upwards while grinning. "It's not funny" he says against your neck breathlessly as you circle your hips. "It is, a little bit" you tell him, gripping the back of his neck as you come apart around him and he follows after. "Want me to egg them so they'll leave?" you ask, peeking around the curtains at the girls outside the townhouse who have yet to leave. "No, you'll be taking Harry's Defense League's job" he jokes, leaning against the headboard while watching TV. "You should say hi" you tell him, kneeling on the bed in his t-shirt as he stands behind the curtains. "Just say hi and tell them to go home, but be nice!" you prompt, watching as he pulls a pair of black trains up before pushing the curtains back to life the window open. "Hi girls! It's supposed to rain soon, go home so you don't get sick! Study, study, study!!" he teases, waving and waiting to ensure they've all had a chance to snap a picture before closing the window and curtains. "You're so original" you joke, snapping your eyes to his a few minutes later when the rain starts pelting the streets.

Liam: You and Liam are seated on the couch for a quiet evening in when there's a knock at the door. Liam sighs from the entry way before making his way back to you, jumping over the back of the couch to plop back down beside you. "Who was it?" you question as he wraps you in his arms. "Fans" he says simply, turning the volume of the movie up as you pull out of his embrace to look up at him. "At 11pm? Don't they have anything better to do?" you ask and he sighs, shrugging his shoulders and you scoff. "That's creepy, like legit" you add, settling back into his arms. When the two of you make your way upstairs for bed, there's a pile of paper on the floor of the entryway. "@real_liam_payne: I appreciate that you're so dedicated but showing up at my house at 11pm is a little much"

Niall: A few girls have gathered outside the new apartment Niall recently purchased with the intention you would soon move in with him. The two of you are in the middle of your video game Wednesday routine when the few girls start singing. Niall tries to ignore them but it's hard to ignore the girls outside as a few more have joined them. "Maybe, you should just say hi" you tell him as he switches games in the X-box. "And reward them for standing outside my home?" he retorts and you sigh. "No, but if you say hi they'll be more apt to leave us alone" you say against his shoulder as you wrap your arms around him from behind. He's thankful he's purchased a townhouse complete with a gate as he steps out onto the stoop with his guitar. "Hi girls, let's sing a song together and then you guys can go home. You've got to have better things to do than wait for my lazy ass to get out of bed" he lies with a laugh and the fans take it as a joke. He sings a few songs before waving goodbye to the girls and locking the door behind him. "You just made their day" you tell him and he smiles. "It wasn't that bad" he says, smiling as you pass him a snack.

Louis: Lou had been home for a week and the number of fans outside your flat only grew larger every day. Every morning you left for work 2 hours early just to beat the crowd, leaving him to fend for himself if he made his way outside for any reason. He always knew when you were back though because the screams were deafening. You made a point every night to tell them to go home and get some sleep via twitter, but Lou being the not so sensible one always told them to bring him certain things when they returned the next morning. This only caused the crowed to grow larger and eventually you had to call the police to clear your front yard of the tween girls that had been covering it for weeks.

Zayn: The fans outside your house were uncommonly nice. They didn't yell a whole lot, and they never bombarded the two of you when you left the house. They sat on the hill across the street and just hung out with each other. Each day when Zayn was away you would go outside and join them on the hill. You and the group of girls talked about the drama going around within the fandom as well as you asking them questions about them. You spent about an hour a day with them, leaving them in awe of how nice you really were. You loved Zayn's fans as much as he did and you wanted to take as many opportunities as you could to make sure they never forgot it.


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