On the plane with fans

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Harry: Harry sighs in frustration as he realizes several of the girls in first class do in fact know who he is. You look up from the book on your lap to find him glaring out at the darkening sky, his knee bouncing underneath the blanket barely covering his lap. You ask him what's wrong and he angrily juts his head towards the girls clearly taking pictures of him. "I wanted to join the mile high club but that isn't going to happen now" he explains gruffly, huffing when you push the arm rest between you up and out of the way before you're snuggling into his side. "They won't be awake the whole flight Haz... it's a ridiculously long flight" you assure him, throwing your legs over his lap while nuzzling your nose against his jaw. He decides to ignore the girls, opting for stealing kisses from your all to willing lips until they've fallen asleep. He cheekily leads you into the bathroom before he's removed your pants and his to thrust inside of you. He keeps his lips tight against yours as he thrusts into you harder, gripping your hips tightly as you fall apart against him. When you make your way back to your seats, you fail to notice the girl who had videotaped the whole private encounter, even the part when Harry leaned into you outside the bathroom door to kiss you while zipping your jeans back up.

Liam: Liam smiles at the girls that notice him, glancing back down at the magazine on your lap as you complain about Tom and Katie's recent divorce. "If there's no hope for them, what hope is there in the world?" you cry dramatically and Liam chuckles. You recline your seat once your at a decent altitude, talking quietly amongst yourself trying desperately to ignore the girls who have done nothing but stare at you the whole flight. Liam leans against the window, watching the city lights so far below as you lean against him. You talk quietly, sharing made up stories about the people below until you've fallen asleep against his shoulder. "Thanks love, I think she's pretty amazing too" you hear Liam say as you start wake from the light sleep you fell into. "I'll make sure she follows you" Liam promises as you open your eyes. "Those girls, they wanted to give us their twitter names so we'd follow them" Liam explains, passing you the slip of paper with their neat handwriting. You wave to the girls as you exit the plane, showing them the paper in your hand before adding them on twitter.

Niall: You're on your way to a private holiday in Greece, seated in the middle of first class when a group of girls take the seats a few rows away from yours. They obviously know who Niall is because they continue to look back and gush about the blonde from One Direction. Niall had already decided to ignore anyone that tried to ruin his plans for the week and he was holding true to that promise. He kept his head down, eyes focused on the laptop in front of the two of you as the girls start to snap pictures. They get a few before the airhostess tells them photography is forbidden on the flight and prompt them to refasten their seatbelts. You lean your head against Niall's shoulder as the girls continue to turn around to look at him and you press kisses to his jaw when he starts to shift in discomfort. By the time you've landed, the pictures the girls had managed to take are all over twitter and you're private holiday isn't so private anymore.

Louis: The boys were always the last on the plane in order to avoid any chance of all of the people in coach noticing them. This was usually a fairly successful plan, unless there were fans in first class. You were on the plane with your boyfriend on your way with him and the boys back to the States for the second leg of their tour. You were seated beside Lou and he was beside the window, but there was an empty seat beside of you and the plane was about to take off. Thinking that someone had either missed their flight or they hadn't sold all of the first class tickets you settled in for the 8 hour flight back to the States. You closed your eyes and nestled against your Lou's arm to get comfortable. All of a sudden a teenage girl comes rushing into the seat beside you and immediately raise up startled. "Oh I'm sor..." she trails off taking her sunglasses off and looking at you as if you weren't real. "I'm sor sor sorry." She stutters. "It's fine love, I just wasn't expecting anyone to sit down." You say smiling at her. You were impressed with the composure she was maintaining and patted her hand before wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's arm to try and get comfortable again. Halfway through the flight the attendants started passing around the Immigration papers that everyone had to fill out before being allowed into another country. You and Lou were passed out, Lou against the window and you against his arm. The attendant didn't want to wake you so she asked the girl beside you to make sure the two of you woke up in time so that you could fill out the paperwork before the plane landed. She nodded her head and placed your papers on her tray. You felt a rubbing sensation on your arms which caused you to rise up lazily and touch your arm. "I'm sorry to wake you up (y/n) but the attendant said to wake you up in enough time to fill these out and were landing in about 30 minutes." She explains handing you the papers she had been holding on to. "Oh thank you so much. I always forget to wake up in time to do these." You say searching for a pen in your bag. "Here you go." The girl says handing you're a pen. "Thanks," you say smiling still very impressed at how calm she is. You fill your papers out and get Lou's passport out to fill out his. "So you're a fan of his, yeah?" You ask the girl smiling. "The biggest. I was supposed to be back in the back but they double booked and bumped me up here. I had no idea you all were on this flight and I was dying inside when I saw that you were the ones I was sitting beside." She said looking around and locating the others. "Well it is very nice to meet you. What is your name?" you ask still filling out Lou's papers. "Anna." "So nice to meet you Anna." "I can't believe I am having a conversation with (y/f/n) on an airplane" she says letting her inner fan show a little. You laugh and nudge Lou awake so that he can sign his portion of the papers. "Babe this is Anna, she is a fan of you and the boys." You introduce. "Nice to meet you love." He says extending his hand across your body to shake hers. "You too Louis." She says mesmerized. As the three of you exit the plane and go you separate ways you thank her again for everything and give her a hug. Later on in the week you noticed a lot of your mentions were attaching a tumblr link to your twitter name. You clicked on it and realized it was the girl from the airplane and she had written a post about her encounter with you and Lou and how amazingly nice the two of you were letting her inner fan run wild. You smiled as you read her thoughts and at the end you sent her a tweet. '@(h/t/n ) it was so nice to meet you doll. You were incredibly sweet xx'

Zayn: The two of you were heading back home after spending a week in the States visiting your family. Since you weren't with the rest of the boys you weren't the last ones on the plane. You sat in your first class seat showing your boyfriend all of the ridiculous items in the Sky Mall magazine. You were hunched over him while he put his head down while looking at the magazine. This was to keep the people making their way to the economy seats from noticing him. Once everyone had taken their seats you sat back up in yours to relax. You looked up at the very young attendant who was going over safety precautions. She was staring at you smiling. You contemplated in your head if it was even possible that she knew who you and your already passed out boyfriend were. But it became very clear, very soon that she was a fan. You appreciated her subtleness as she passed back and forth down the aisle smiling and you. When you didn't request anything to drink she stepped over to you with a smile. "Would either of you like something to drink?" she says calmly smiling at you and nodding to your boyfriend who was asleep against the window. It was then you realized she was a hard to come by fan that actually respected the two of you. "No thank you, love." You say smiling noticing a saddened look cross her face. As she begins to walk away you say, "On second thought love can I get a Coke, and can you find me a pen to write with." "Absolutely! I'll be right back." She says practically skipping off. She returned with your drink as well as 5 different pens, all each a different color. "I didn't know which color you would like so I brought one of each color we had." She says nervously letting her inner fan show a bit. "Thanks so much dear. Do you have a twitter account?" you ask her smiling. Her eyes widen as she nods yes. "How about you write it down here for me and I'll pass it on to sleeping beauty." You say nodding in your boyfriend's direction. "Really?!" she says almost shouting. "Yeah go ahead." You urge. When the plane landed you gave her a hug before exiting the plane. Zayn looked at you confused, "what was that all about?" "She's a fan of yours, and she was actually very lovely." You explain. "Well that's nice, I'm assuming you got her to write down her twitter name for me?" "I sure did love." You say smiling at him as you both make you way through the airport hand in hand.

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