One Way Or Another

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This is a imagine for ComfyCozy156

You had had an intrest in writing since you were seven. You had met Liam five years ago and now you were engaged. Your life was at the peak of perfection, but once you publish your book, everything would be absolutely perfect. Lately, you have been writing more and more of your book and it was getting to Liam. One night you were working on your book, when you heard the doorbell. You got up and to your suprise, it was Harry with a smashed Liam. "Wait, he went drinking. Did he drink alot? He can't that much, he's only got one kidney." You say panicking."Y/N, calm down. I watched him the whole time. And um Y/N?" "Yeah?" "He said something about you not wanting to be around him anymore?" You suddenly became guilty because you knew exactly what he was talking about. "Thanks Harry. I owe you one." You say hugging him. "It's cool. Just call me in the morning to tell me how he's doing." You nodding then he left. You put Liam to bed and continued your book.

You woke up a few hour before Liam. You put coffee, water, and Advil on the dresser for him to take when he woke up. You began to work on your book. Liam woke up a few minutes later and walked down stairs. "Morning, babe." You say kissing his cheek. He pushes you away and leaves you flabbergasted. "Liam what's wrong?" "You. You never spend time with me. Your always writing that book of yours." This made you upset. "Liam, how do you think I feel when you leave for tour for 3 months to a year." You say. "You know what, you either choose me or the book." He says. He was dead serious. "Liam you can't do that!" You say, about to cry. He just stared at you. "Fine. I choose the book!" And with that he went upstairs and slammed the door. You ran upstairs instantly regretting what you said. "Liam, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I choose you." You say crying. He opened the door pulling you in a hug. "Babe please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry." He says. "I love you." "I love you too."

Hope you enjoyed this ComfyCozy156. Well, I'm off to bed. Good night :)

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