He sees you without makeup on

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Harry: It's been a long day as you stand underneath the warm spray of your shower. You wash away the makeup you've worn all day, your face clean and bare as you step out to dry off. You're not expecting anyone to visit, Harry doesn't get back from tour until the next day and your friends are out partying. When you hear the click of your front door, you panic. Harry chuckles when he sees you holding one of his golf clubs and sets his bags by the door. Your eyes widen as you drop the club, right on your toe. "Sit down, let me see" Harry tells you, sitting you down on the edge of your coffee table. "You know... you look beautiful without makeup" he tells you softly, running his fingers over your bruising foot. You blush as you try to hide your face but Harry just pushes your hands aside to run his lips over your face. "Hmm, blueberries" he hums, sniffing the scent of your face wash.

Liam: You're stepping out of the shower, face washed clean from the days makeup. Since moving in with Liam, he's always come home late from a day at the studio so you feel safe to wash your makeup off and go to bed before he comes home. You're wrapping a towel around your body when the bathroom door opens, Liam stepping inside the foggy room and you shriek. You pull the towel up over your face and he chuckles. "I like this much better" he tells you, pulling the towel down to reveal your freshly cleaned face and drops the damp cotton to the tiled floor. "The no makeup or the nakedness?" you question and he shrugs. "Both" he tells you, pulling his own clothes off to drag you back in the shower with him.

Niall: You're cautious not to see Niall without makeup, always making sure you look your best when you're with him. When you spend the night together, whether it's at his house or in your dorm, you always wake up before him to apply you foundation and powder and at least a think layer of mascara. It's early in the morning when you leave your dorm for your first class, without makeup on. Your early morning classes are killer and you're usually too tired to put your makeup on or put your contacts in. You're walking out of your class, intending to head to the Starbucks down the street when you see Niall waiting for you. Your eyes widen as you try to turn around in the crowd but Niall's already seen you. You're trying to shield your face and he chuckles while pushing your hands away. "I like you like this... no makeup" he assures you, pressing his lips to your bare face. "Sexy student" he mumbles, tapping the sides of your black rimmed glasses before leading you towards Starbucks, placing kisses on your clean face.

Louis: You had woken up after Lou for the first time but forgetting you didn't have any make up on you walked downstairs to find something to eat. Once you made it to the bottom of the steps and turn the corner to the kitchen, he looks at you with wide eyes. You immediately turn around to head back upstairs to find some make up. He steps in front of you before you can make it to the stairs, "Gorgeous." He says kissing you with a smile on his face.

Zayn: you're sitting at the library studying for your grammar final when you hear a familiar voice break the silence. "Hey babe." you look up noticing your boyfriend standing in front of you. "Oh my God!" you protest. "Zayn oh my God no. What are you doing here?" you quietly exclaim hiding your face with your hand. "I came to see you I've missed you and wanted to see you." he says laughing at your question. "Oh my God no Zayn you can't be here, I look awful." you say acknowledging your makeup less face and messy bun. "Not at all babe." he says continuing to laugh. He takes the hand you have covering your face against your will and kisses it. You immediately turn your head away from him still not wanting him to see you without any makeup. He laughs lifting your from your seat, forcing you around to face him he kisses you passionately. "You're gorgeous." he coos as you smile reluctantly looking up into his eyes. "There you go love." he says smiling at you as you pack your things up to leave with him. "Next time though Zayn..." you pause smiling at him."Yeah babe?" "Let me know when you're coming to visit so I can look appropriate" you inform him causing him to laugh.

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