He calls you fat- part 2

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Harry: "You hit him?!" Sophia questions, interrupting your explanation of the fight you had just had with Harry. "Yeah, I did," you retort, absolute fury in your voice as you think about his words. "If you worked out half as much as you nagged," he had shouted at you, bringing your rage out. "Where are you now?" She inquires concerned. "Walking." "Walking? Walking where? You shouldn't be out this late." "I'm fine," you snap, but she persists. "Tell me where you are I'm coming to get you," she insists. You hear the noise of her keys in the background which meant trying to run from her was not going to work. She would find you. "I'm right outside the Gloucester Road station," you inform her. "How long have you been walking?" She inquires, knowing the distance from that station to Harry's house was quite far. "A while," you answer, looking down at your weary feet. They hurt like hell now that you had stopped your anger walk. "Alright, well, I'm on my way. I'll be there soon." "You crazy fucking cow!" His words shoot back into your mind immediately after ending your call with Sophia. You had brought him to his breaking point with your so called nagging. But that gave him no right to say the things that he had to you, angry or not. His words were hurtful and you felt you had every right to hit him in return. How else were you going to get him to shut up? You weren't a nag, but your headstrong demeanor often made you come across as such. Harry had addressed your nagging before, but he had never blown up like that. You had never seen him so harsh. But then again you had never hit him in an act of rage before either. This was uncharted territory. Your phone lights up as Sophia pulls up across the street, motioning you to get in the car. You look down at the screen, pressing ignore quicker than you should have before turning the screen off and running towards the car. "Where to?" She asks as the light in front of her turns green. "I'm not going back there, not any time soon," you tell her, and she nods her head in understanding. She turns the opposite way you had just walked, taking you back to Liam's to stay. "Has he tried to call?" She asks, pulling back in beside Liam's car in the parking garage. "No," you lie, looking down at your phone to see three more missed calls with just as many voicemails waiting to be ignored.

Liam: You stand in the hallway of his apartment complex, arms crossed, and fuming. How had this even happened? Why had he even brought up his ex? And comparing the two of you, where did that nerve come from? Your back hits the wall as you slide down, colliding with the floor, your arms pulling your knees to your chest. "You're not as skinny as her..." He had just said that, to you. Of all people to say something like that to you it was him. As tears begin to fill your eyes, sadness creeping in, you slowly stand up from your place beside his door. With a firm grip on the knob, you let yourself back in. You look over the first floor, noticing Liam limping to the kitchen, getting ice for the shin you had just kicked you assumed. You go unnoticed as you approach him in the kitchen. After finding an icepack in the freezer Liam turns around to meet your gaze, his immediate reaction being to straighten his posture to prepare for another attack. It wasn't coming though. Not a physical one at least. "You're not going to kick me again are you?" He questions, concerned for his other shin. "Why?" You begin, trying your best to hold your emotions in long enough to make it through this conversation. "Why, what?" He responds, unsure of what you were trying to ask. "Why did you bring her up?" Your voice calm, only wanting to know why his ex-girlfriend had been the topic of your fight. His head falls, his hand latching to the back of his neck as he rubs his stress deeper. "I was just trying to explain," he answers honestly. "Bullshit," you counter quickly. "I shouldn't have brought her up like that, yeah, I get that, but you didn't have to attack me like that," he points out. "You haven't answered my question," you raise your voice as he walks around the island and out of the kitchen to open up the space between the two of you. "I was explaining, I told you!" "And you think that's good enough?! You think I'm just supposed to accept the fact that you were comparing us, with me coming out on the shit end? No Liam, not how this works." "I didn't mean it like that! I was just trying to explain to you why the magazines had been saying what they were." "You don't think I am aware of the reasons Liam? I get it, I'll never be a fucking dancer, but you aren't supposed to agree with that. You're supposed to be here to comfort me, to love me." By now your emotions were on full display. You shake your head at him as he comes back to you, pulling you into his chest for comfort, just as you had said he should be doing.

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